L-Track Chairs in the $3K Price Range (Video)

May 30, 2017
 By Allison Bricker
May 30, 2017
 By Allison Bricker

L-Track Chairs in the $3K Price Range (Video)

Transcript of Video Titled “L-Track Chairs in the $3K Price Range”

[SCREEN TEXT: L-Track Chairs in the $3000 Price Range]

Infinity Escape

Alan: Hi, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘Massage-Chair-Relief.com‘ and today I want to talk to you a little bit about – OK, well, first of all, we’re going to talk about L-track chairs – but we’re going to talk about L-track chairs in the $3000 price range. $3000 seems to be a real sweet spot for a lot of manufacturers. There’s more and more L-track chairs coming out that are priced in that range. Now, $3000, we consider, on a brand-name chair, a very good price for a decent massage chair. And L-tracks have become kind of the – the L-track feature, which means the extended roller track – the rollers come down the back, following the S-curve of the spine, and then they go underneath the seat, and massage the butt, and the top of the hamstrings, that is an L-track. All L-tracks have the S-shaped curved track of the back, but then they go underneath the butt, and massage the butt, and the top of the hamstrings. Now, of the L-tracks, being that it’s a very popular feature, and the $3000 price point being a very popular price point, we wanted to talk about three different models, to give you an idea of the difference in intensity. So, just because a chair has an L-track, and because it has foot rollers, and because it has airbags, doesn’t mean it’s all the same. They can be very different in their intensity, and their overall feel. Now, I can’t describe the feel of these chairs, but I’m going to talk about three chairs, in particular, that have varying intensities.

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Alan: So, if you’re looking for mild, moderate, or intense, we’ll give you a pretty good little guideline of which chairs might be best for you in that price point. And this is as of today, which is October 2016, a year from now, there may be some other models that might be more apropos, but for now, these are three very popular models that are in the $3000 price point, price range, give or take some money, and but all have an L-track. Now, the most mild of the three that we’re going to show you is the Infinity Escape. It’s a very nice chair, it’s priced at $2995. It’s what we would consider a more mild massage. Some people cannot handle excessive intensity, and the intensity comes in the form of the rollers going down the back, and intensity also comes in the form of foot rollers and airbags pushing down on the feet, that can be very intense for some people. On the Infinity Escape, the default massage is very – we would consider it a mild chair – not weak, but more mild, more comfortable. Then, at the middle of the spectrum, we have the uKnead Lavita, which is a $3695 chair. This chair has more of a moderate intensity. It has an L-track, it has foot rollers. The feet are housed in this foot-massage mechanism, as opposed to being an open-foot ottoman, like that one, but this chair has a more of a moderate to heavy intensity. It also has extra pillows that you can use to pad the back down a little bit more. It has an extra seat pillow, it has an extra back pillow, so you can dampen the intensity if it’s too much.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘www.massage-chair-relief.com’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: And then, finally, we have the Apex Ultra, which is also a $2995 chair. This chair is smaller, a little narrower chair, a little shorter chair, but boy, it’s a powerful chair, it’s a strong chair. The neck massage on this one is stronger, we would say, than the other two. The foot massage can be very intense as well. The airbags push down really hard on the feet, and so for people that have sensitive feet, the Ultra’s not great. For someone that just wants to be totally, you know, deeply massaged, the Apex Ultra does the trick for you. So, we’ve got the Infinity Escape on the mild end, we’ve got the Apex Ultra at the intense end, and kind of in between, we have the uKnead Lavita, which is a great option. There’s another chair that just came out called the Osaki Maxim, which is priced at $3295, and that chair, we would consider to be more of a moderate, maybe more of a moderate, like the uKnead Lavita. As a matter of fact, in our Utah showroom, the uKnead Lavita and the Osaki Maxim have become very, very popular chairs because they more moderate.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘www.massage-chair-relief.com’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: They’re not too light, they’re not too heavy, just like Goldilocks, they’re just right. So, anyway, that gives you an idea of what you could maybe, you might be looking for if you’re looking for an L-track in that price range, that gives you a pretty good guide of the chairs that are available and their intensity levels. I hope you found this video helpful. If you did, please feel free to thumbs up ‘Like’ us on our YouTube channel, and of course, share this video on your social media platforms, whether it’s Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, or Twitter. Help us spread the word about massage chairs. I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘Massage-Chair-Relief.com,’ and I will see you again on the next video. Bye bye.

Click on the following link to watch this L-track massage chair tutorial on our YouTube channel.

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