Stress and Your Brain

August 4, 2015
 By Alyssa
August 4, 2015
 By Alyssa

Stress and Your Brain

Stress is something that we all have to deal with. Our bodies have conditioned themselves to deal with such stress by developing our fight or flight routines as well as other responses. The more we learn to use and control our stress the better off we will be.

Sometimes we choose to handle that stress by ignoring, yet this simply causes that stress to build up in our body. This stress will manifest itself in our bodies by causing weight gain and other issues.

What is most important, then, when dealing with stress? We need to learn to manage it by any means necessary. One great way to do such is to not only relax, but to work on the body and ease that tension away.

Learn more how this stress can be managed in your life.


Watch: Stress and the Brain

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