Rage rooms a smashing way to relieve stress in Russia – Aljazeera.com

February 9, 2017
 By Alyssa
February 9, 2017
 By Alyssa

Rage rooms a smashing way to relieve stress in Russia – Aljazeera.com

Breaking, yelling, smashing, and throwing when you’re angry or tense is not just for your acting-out toddler anymore. “Rage rooms” are growing in popularity throughout Russia and they claim to be a way for adults to manage their stress without fear of the police becoming involved. Adults put on a protective mask and suit and grab a massive sledge hammer or maybe a gallon of paint and get to destroying inside their safe rage room, all in the hope of ridding themselves of their stress and tension.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stress is a fact of life for many of us. Some medicate or meditate to ease the anxiety.
  • During the sessions, which are more popular among women, participants wear a mask.
  • “I’d be against attaching any psychological benefit to it. It’s more of entertainment,” she said. “The concept of this room totally equates aggression with destruction. But actually, that’s not true. It’s important that it doesn’t become the only way to channel aggression.”

“You do it for the sake of not thinking about anything. It’s actually to get rid of those things that made you feel tense.”


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