The new Osaki OS-7075R massage chair is now up on our site here:
This chair is exactly the same chair as the Osaki OS-7000 except for the addition of mechanical foot rollers and a higher horsepower motor running the massage rollers. Of course, the foot rollers have been becoming increasingly popular, particularly with the early success of the IT-8200 and IT-8500 from Infinite Therapeutics. The Omega Montage Pro is the only other chair we carry that also has the foot rollers.
Pursuant to Osaki’s announcement of the new chair model, they also said that the OS-7000 will be discontinued. No new inventory of that model is coming in and as soon as the colors are all sold out, that chair will be removed from their list of available models. I understand that the brown and taupe colors are already gone so if you still want the OS-7000, which is $300 less than the new OS-7075R, than black and ivory are the only colors available…and, as I just said, they will only be available until they are sold out. Then, no more OS-7000.
I had an interesting experience this morning as I was perusing the world of massage chairs on the internet. I came across a website that had my comparison chart available for their clients, virtually word for word, without giving credit to the soure of the chart. Fascinating! I am told and have read that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but I must say I’m not sure if I’m flattered or bothered. I put about 4 months of research and work into that chart and love it like it’s my own child (now, that’s weird). I hope people appreciate the time and effort that went into it but I also hope that when content is plagiarized, that credit is given when credit is due. There…I got that off my chest. Now onto some true massage chair news…
Inada announced today that the price of their extremely popular Sogno Dreamwave will be going up AGAIN next year. This time the Minimum Advertised Price will go up $200 to $7999. It continues to amaze me how the price of this one model goes up every year and, yet, it continues to be a top seller. People just love this chair, especially the discriminating shoppers.
We are told that it is going up because of “ongoing exchange rate pressure, higher transit costs, and increased manufacturing expense.” The question I have is “Why is the price of the other Inada chairs staying the same if they are subject to the same “ongoing exchange rate pressure, higher transit costs, and increased manufacturing expense”?” The Yume and the i1 will remain at the same price schedule. Who knows?
The Sogno price increase will happen on February 1, 2013.
Dr. Alan Weidner