Massage Chair Industry Update Video & Transcripts – 10/08/12

October 19, 2012
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
October 19, 2012
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

Massage Chair Industry Update Video & Transcripts – 10/08/12

Transcript of Video Titled โ€œMassage Chair Industry Update โ€“ October 08, 2012โ€

Alan: Hi, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘‘ and today we are doing our massage chair industry update for October 8th, 2012.

[SCREEN TEXT: Massage Chair Stock Outlook]

Alan: And we’ll get right in to stock, we do have some stock issues, not many right now. And of course, we’re getting ready for Christmas, and come the Christmas holidays, stock will start to get very, very scarce, particularly at the end of November, when Cyber โ€“ Black Friday and Cyber Monday hit โ€“ people start getting frantic about ordering. And so, and we’ll get in to ordering schedules for the Christmas holidays and what not as we get closer to that date, but if you are interested in getting a massage chair for Christmas, I would strongly encourage you getting one now when all the colors and all the stocks are in, for the most part. So, here’s where we are, the ‘Espresso’ Human Touch 9500 is out of stock, and that will be out of stock until later in November, the first part of November. The ‘Dark Brown’ IT-8500 โ€“ and by the way, that 8500 is a new model โ€“ but it’s become very, very popular very fast, very, very popular chair, good chair. That will be, that’s back ordered until the 17th of October, so next week. The ‘Black’ OS-7000 โ€“ they only have one to two left as of the time of this recording, I just spoke to my guy over at Osaki โ€“ and I’m told that there’s only one or two of that color left, the rest will be here in three to four weeks, so it will probably be early November by the time the ‘Black’ OS-7000 is in stock. I think that is about it, as far as I know all of the Inada chairs are in stock, and all the other Human Touch chairs are in stock, Panasonic’s in stock, and I believe Omega is in stock, and all the other chairs are in stock. So, it’s actually pretty decent stock right now.

[SCREEN TEXT: Interview with Jim Coppins, VP at Infinite Therapeutics]

Alan: I just completed an interview with Jim Coppins, who’s the vice president at Infinite Therapeutics. I did that on Friday, it’s about a 30-minute interview, we talked about his company, and their products, and their support, and what not, great, great interview, really enjoyed it, learned a lot about the company, and a lot about their approach to their customers, and to my customers. I will be posting those interviews โ€“ the two parts of that interview โ€“ this week, and you can watch and learn. We have a playlist on our YouTube channel,, and that playlist is about massage chair interviews. And so far, we’d only had interviews with โ€“ an interview with Cliff Levin from Inada, and I’ve had a bear of a time trying to get other people โ€“ higher-ups from these massage chair companies that I represent to come out, and have an interview with me. But we were able to get Jim on there, and he was wonderful, he was a very busy guy, he made time for us, and I’m very grateful for that, and that interview will be up on YouTube within the next few days, within this week.

[SCREEN TEXT: New Infinity Model Coming Soon!]

Alan: Also oh, and one thing he mentioned โ€“ Jim Coppins mentioned in the interview, which was kind of cool โ€“ is that they are working on a new model. Now, they just came out with the 8200 earlier this year, I think in April. The 8500, they just came out with last month, and they’re working on another model, and he wouldn’t tell me much about it, but it’s in production, and they expect to have that before the holidays. So, as soon as I learn more about that chair, I will share that with you, but another model, and I believe it’s in the 8000 series. So, it will probably, maybe be, well I would suspect, my guess is that it will be a variation on the 8200 and the 8500 that we already have. I did an article review โ€“ a two-part review on my website โ€“ for the IT-8200 and the Osaki 7200H. I get calls all the time from people, or emails, or chat requests, from people all the time asking me the differences between chairs, they’re trying to make their mind up. And the three models that are being thrown around a lot right now, are the Osaki 7000, the Osaki 7200 โ€“ and I’ve written two blog posts just in the last week and a half about which one of those chairs I would recommend, based on the needs of particular clients, and I wrote about that on the blog, so you can check them out โ€“ but the Osaki 7000, the Osaki 7200, and the Infinite Therapeutics IT-8000 series, which would be the 8200 and the 8500.

[SCREEN TEXT: Osaki OS-7200H vs. IT-8200 Review]

Alan: So, I wrote a two-part review comparing the 8200 to the Osaki 7200H, and remember the 7200H is the exact same chair as the Osaki 6000, except with heat. And then, I also wrote two posts, as I mentioned, comparing the 7000 and the 7200 in the Osaki lines to help you determine what kind of chair would be best for you. Now, I carry โ€“ all these models that I do reviews on, for the most part โ€“ I carry in my showroom, so I have first-hand experience with each of them. And they’re all good chairs, and for Chinese-made chairs, great bang for the buck, a lot of features for the low, for the price point in the low 3000s, and very, very popular. So, if that’s your budget, those would probably be the chairs to consider, the Osaki 6000, Osaki 7000, Osaki 7200, or the IT, Infinite Therapeutics, IT-8200 or 8500, very competitive chairs, very much in the same market, very much in the same price point, and appealing, obviously, to the same demographic. But anyway, I think that is just about it for massage chair industry update, nothing new to report.

[SCREEN TEXT: Order Soon For Christmas!]

Alan: Christmas is coming, it will start getting hectic, I’ll let you know about the Christmas schedules as they approach, but I think that is about it for now. Again, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘’ Thank you for watching today. Please ‘Like’ us on our YouTube channel, if you found this information, or any of our other videos helpful. Please ‘Share’ us on Facebook and Twitter, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook, we appreciate things like that very, very much. Have a wonderful day, we look forward to seeing you in two weeks. Bye bye.


Here is the link to this Massage Chair Industry Update.

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