Massage Chair Industry Update Video – 11/19/2012

November 26, 2012
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
November 26, 2012
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

Massage Chair Industry Update Video – 11/19/2012

Transcript of Video Titled “Massage Chair Industry Update – November 19th, 2012”

Alan: Hi, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘‘ and thank you for joining me today on my bi-weekly massage chair industry update and today is November 19th. It is the week of Thanksgiving so I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you have much to be grateful for. I have found throughout my life – and I’ve had a lot of ups and downs in my life, as most of you have – I have found that even the tough times and the trials have, there’s been something good to glean from them, and I’m even grateful for those hard times, as I am for all the good times and the good things that I’ve been blessed with. But I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and hope you have a great week and a wonderful holiday season as we get in to that busy time of the year, especially for massage chairs.

[SCREEN TEXT: Massage Chair Stock Status]

Alan: Now, let’s talk a little bit about stock, right off the bat, Inada is in full stock on all their chairs, the Sogno, the YuMe, the Doctor’s Choice, and the i1 are all in stock. Human Touch is in stock on everything – there is some limited availability on some chairs, but the only one that’s back ordered is the ZeroGravity 4.0, which is back ordered until late December. So, if you want one for Christmas, it’s a little – you’re not going to get that – you’ll have to go with the ZeroGravity 2.0. Also on back order is the OS-1000 ‘Black’ and ‘Brown’ from Osaki, that chair is back ordered until November 24th, so those colors will be available on the 24th, so they are available for shipping for Christmas so no worries about that. The OS-3000 ‘Black’ and ‘Brown’ colors from Osaki are back ordered and there’s no date for them to be here, there’s no date for a subsequent shipment, so I’m a little worried that maybe they going to be discontinued – well, not worried – but I’m thinking maybe the writing’s on the wall for discontinuing this model. I know the 4000 is quite popular and it outsells the 3000 and there’s not that much of a difference in price, so maybe they are discontinuing that, but that’s not official, that’s just kind of what I’m thinking, because there’s no date for a new shipment.

[SCREEN TEXT: Osaki OS-5000 Discontinued]

Alan: The Osaki OS-5000 has been discontinued. Now, I talked about this for about a month now, and now it is done, we’ve taken it off our website, the OS-5000 is not available. And the OS-7075, this new model from Osaki, which is here to replace the 7000, which is being discontinued. They are still stocked, but the OS-7000 is being discontinued to make room for this 7075, which is the exact same chair, as I’ve told you before, the same chair as the 7000, but with rollers in the feet, and rollers seem to be a real big, popular thing right now.

[SCREEN TEXT: People Love Foot Rollers]

Alan: A lot of people are buying the IT-8200 from Infinite Therapeutics, the IT-8500, the Omega Montage Pro and now the OS-7075 from Osaki because of the foot rollers. People love that and it is a nice – it’s a nice thing, I like it too. But anyway, on the 7075 the ‘Brown’ and the ‘Ivory’ are back ordered until the 5th or 6th of December so you can still get them by Christmas, but there’s only six ‘Browns’ on the container that’s coming in. So, if you want ‘Brown,’ my strong recommendation would be to order it now. Call me, get online, whatever you’ve got to do, order it now so that you can get your dibs in to one of those six chairs and make sure that you’re in the queue for the next shipment, and I don’t know how many of those six have been spoken for. I know I sold one on a Saturday to a client who’s in Wyoming that wants one and I know that there were six at that time, I don’t know if they’ve sold any since.

[SCREEN TEXT: Inada Sogno $200 Price Increase Feb. 1, 2013]

Alan: Oh, let’s see now, other things that are going on, we’ve got – oh, Inada Sogno just announced that they are bumping up the price – or Inada has announced that they are bumping up the price of the Sogno $200 more dollars, so on February 1st, 2013, which has become a recurrent thing with the Inada chairs, every year they seem to be bumping up the price. This last year it went up $800 and it didn’t hurt sales at all. As a matter of fact, the sales of Sogno have been so strong – this chair is such a popular chair and the sales are so strong that it is irrespective of price that this chair keeps selling, it’s quite remarkable – but it’s going up $200 bucks to $7999 because according to their press release, they say that because of the manufacturing costs, the currency exchange, and the shipping costs are all going up. But what’s interesting is that the price of their YuMe and the price of their i1 are not going up, so either they have tons of stock here that they have already ordered, or they just are taking advantage of the popularity of the Sogno, I don’t know, but it’s going to be going up to $7999 on February 1st. Right now it’s $7799.

[SCREEN TEXT: New IT-8100 Coming Out This Week!]

Alan: Let’s see, what else can I tell you – oh, Infinite Therapeutics should be coming out with information this week about their new 8100 – the IT-8100, which is going to be a bit of a step down from the 8200. Well, the numbers of course indicate a step down, but this one is going to have, it’s going to be a full-featured chair, but it’s not going to be as rich a feature set as the 8200 and the 8500. But also the price point is going to be quite a bit lower, it’s going to be between – it’s in the low to mid-2000 range, and it’s going to be kind of – from the person that I talked to, my source said that it’s kind of competing with the Osaki OS-4000, so it might have a feature set similar to that. But I will know more this week, and hopefully we’ll have it up on our website this week so you order it for the holiday season, if you want to get it. That price is a great price, the low 2s for this Infinite Therapeutics chair I think is going to be a very popular price point and a popular seller.

[SCREEN TEXT: Paypal’s “Bill Me Later” Program]

Alan: Also, we have ‘Bill Me Later’ now available on Paypal. About a year and a half ago, I applied to Paypal, or inquired of Paypal, to see if I could get hooked up with their ‘Bill Me Later’ program, which is six months, no payment, no interest, if you’re approved through your Paypal account. Well, at that time it was only available to people or businesses that had, like, some huge amount of business like, $300,000 a month or something outlandish, something that I wasn’t even close to, and so I just kind of shelved that. Well, recently I’ve been getting emails from Paypal announcing that they have opened up that option for a lot of us now that – a lot of us merchants, and now you can purchase that – your massage chair. When you go to our ‘Checkout’ page and you’ve added your chair to the cart and you go to check out and it goes to the ‘Checkout’ page, at the bottom, you have the option to ‘Pay With Credit Card’ or ‘Pay With Paypal,’ click the Paypal if you want to use that. It will redirect you to the Paypal log in page, go ahead and log in, and then if you qualify for the ‘Bill Me Later’ option for financing, you just check it off. And you may have to answer a couple of questions if you haven’t done it already, answer a couple of questions to qualify you or approve you for the ‘Bill Me Later’ program, and then you, through Paypal, you will pay the payments to Paypal, and it’s six months, zero interest, zero payments.

[SCREEN TEXT: “Bill Me Later” vs. GE Capital]

Alan: And we also have GE financing, we’ve always had that, GE Capital financing, but they have always – since 2010 when they changed the credit card laws – they have no interest, but you have to make a minimum payment of 3.5% of the outstanding balance. ‘Bill Me Later’ does not have that, so you can get zero payments, zero interest for six months, pretty cool deal. Plus, you don’t have to fill out any extra paperwork and fax it to me or email it to me, you just go on your Paypal account and they process everything right there in your account. And then if it’s approved, then transaction goes through, the funding comes to us and you get your chair. It’s as simple as that.

[SCREEN TEXT: Sign Up for our Free Report to Learn About Current Specials]

Alan: Let’s see, what else can I tell you about, oh we will have some Black Friday/Cyber Monday specials, we always do every year. It’s really, there’s only really two times a year when we actually have a sale, and this is one of them, and we’re still working on what we’re going to be offering. But if you want to be aware – not be aware, but if you want to be alerted of what we’re offering, go to our, sign up on our free report – get our free report, because everything that’s on our report gets emailed. These sales are not advertised on the site, we’re not allowed to do that. We can tell you over the phone if there’s a sale, we can tell you through email, through a subscribed list if there’s a sale. So, go on to our home page and scroll down below the fold and you’ll see a place there that says, you know, ‘Need More Information,’ ‘Still Not Sure Which Chair You Want,’ ‘Need More Information,’ its got a whole bunch of things, like my blog, it talks about our YouTube channel, our comparison chart, our location if you want to come visit us. And, but there is a section there that says ‘Get Our Free Report,’ and it’s a free report I wrote about five things you absolutely need to know before you buy, invest in a massage chair, and once you’re on that list, then you get any updates on sales and pricing. So, if you want to get updated on that, either call me on Black Friday or Cyber Monday or get on that list and get emailed when I send the email out.

[SCREEN TEXT: My Best Price Promise!! (match or beat any price)

Alan: And by the way, no matter what we offer on any sale, especially Black Friday/Cyber Monday, if you find a chair that you want, cheaper than what we’re offering, even in a sale, let me know. We will always match a price and often beat it.

[SCREEN TEXT: My Cell Number: 801-651-2026]

Alan: So, if you give me the chance to earn your business on any deal that you get, I will take care of that for you and we will – you can call me personally at 801-651-2026 – that’s my cell number, you can call me personally, tell me about the deal, and then I’ll get the information, then I’ll work out if it’s a legitimate offer. Sometimes you get people that try to snow us and they give us a deal that never existed. But we can check out if that price is available, if it is then I will match it and probably beat it. So, even if you find something better than what we’re offering, which you may most likely not find, but if you do, call me, I want to everything I can to earn your business. Anyway, enough of that, I’m not – this is not a sales pitch – so I don’t want to get too deep in to that sales talk. And a couple other things – oh you know, I had, last week – I’m only in my showroom by appointment only, and I had a call last week from a couple that were flying to my showroom from Minnesota. And I picked them up at the airport, I drove them to my showroom, we sat on the chairs for two and a half hours, then I drove them back to the airport and off they went to Minnesota, all in a day’s time. It was wonderful, it was so fun, and while I was there, a fellow drove in from Wyoming. And so, two people from out of state came in at the same period of time, both of them have purchased chairs because they had the opportunity to sit on them.
[SCREEN TEXT: Please Come For a Visit!]

Alan: And what I’m telling you is if you can swing it, and you want to come to our showroom in Utah, I will come and pick you up at the airport, if you’re staying overnight I’ll help you find a hotel, heck, I’ll take you out to lunch or dinner, depending on when you’re coming, but we’ll take good care of you when you come out to the showroom. I love it when people come to the showroom, 95% of my business is out of Utah, it’s online, out of state, but that priceless 5% that come to the showroom, I love it, because I get to actually interact with you, we get to talk about chairs, there’s no rush for time, you don’t have to sit on a phone talking to me the whole time, we just have a wonderful time, and we try to make it as enjoyable as we can. So, if you want to come out and visit me, give me a call and we’ll work out a time that’s mutually agreeable for both of us. I’ll even pick you up at the airport, we can bring you to the showroom, we’ll go out for lunch or dinner and we’ll take good care of you. We’ve done this a number of times and it just brings joy to my heart to do that because I just love meeting our clients, I just love it. So, if you want to do that, please, please come. Christmas shipping, OK. I’m just going to warn you – I’ve already warned you in previous recordings – but the closer we get to Christmas, the harder it is to get models, colors, because everything is getting eaten up, and invariably the massage chair companies don’t have enough of every color to keep everybody happy. So, they are always running out of colors and we’re scrambling, so rather than getting what you want, you get what’s available, and you kind of have to pick or you can wait until after Christmas. But then the joy of giving and receiving and all that stuff is kind of gone for the Christmas season, a lot of people lose their desire to want to shop then. But I’m just telling you, just order as soon as possible so you don’t miss out on the colors.

[SCREEN TEXT: Holiday Shipping – Don’t Order Too Late]

Alan: And as far as shipping goes, I believe Christmas is on a Tuesday – yeah, Tuesday and Monday is Christmas Eve, that’s the last day shippers will deliver – so if you want to get a chair by Christmas, I would strongly recommend ordering by the 17th, that’s the Monday before, if you’re getting ‘White Glove’ delivery, that may still be too late. If you’re getting regular delivery, most chairs will be delivered within five business days, so that’s just a general guideline. If you want to know more specific and I know what state you’re at and what chair you’re getting, because the chairs ship from different states in the union depending on what company you’re buying – whose chair you’re buying and depending on where you live. Like, if you live in California and you’re ordering a Human Touch or a Panasonic or an Omega or a – what’s the other one, a Panasonic, Inada, one of those that are California based – we can have that chair to you in a couple days, so it’s no big deal. But if you live in New York and you’re ordering a chair that’s based in California, well it’s going to take, you know, five days. We may be pushing it depending on where you live in New York. So, just call me if you have any questions, or email me, I’d be happy to answer whatever questions I can for you about that. And one last thing, next week after – the week after Thanksgiving I’m going to California to visit Inada and Omega and Human Touch, and I’m just so excited to go there – I’m going to be videotaping the warehouses, videotaping the facilities, show how things are handled, how protocols are dealt with. At Human Touch, they have a whole tour scheduled for me. I’ll be there for four hours, they are going to be about their – show me their design department, their marketing department, their warehouse. I’m really excited about this because now I’m getting to sink my teeth in to actually how these companies operate, it’s not just ‘Hi, hey, we have an order from Bob in Timbuktu, can you fill that order for us, OK thanks Dr. Weidner, goodbye.’ This is like, I’m going to go in there and actually see how it’s done and I’m very, very excited about that. And I will videotape as much as I can and share it on YouTube and on my blog so that you can see how these things are done and hopefully I’ll be able to interview some of the principals who have been avoiding me for interviews in the past and I’m quite excited. So anyway, I’ll keep you posted as to how that goes and I’ll let you know post stuff on YouTube or on the blog about it. Well, I guess that’s about it, eh. That’s it for our massage chair industry update. If you have any questions, please call me, I’m always available and people – I get calls at all hours of the day, and I’ll say ‘Massage-Chair-Relief, this is Dr. Weidner,’ and then there’s a pause and there is kind of quiet, and then the guy or gal at the other end will say ‘Oh, you actually do answer your phone.’ Well, yes I do, I answer it as much as I can. If I can’t handle it, I get someone else to answer it. But I can pretty much answer 100% of the calls if I have a phone near me and I’m in phone range, and even if I’m with a customer on the other line, leave a message, I’ll call you right back and people that know me know that’s how I do things. But feel free to call me if you have any questions.

[SCREEN TEXT: Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel]

Alan: If you like the video that you’re watching here and any of the videos that we’ve presented to you, please subscribe to our YouTube channel and you can get updated on all the other future updates that we put out or video tutorials or whatnot. Also, if you like us, ‘Like’ our video on YouTube and ‘Like’ us on Facebook, and ‘Share’ us on Facebook and ‘Share’ us on Twitter. We love it when people do that, it really means that we’ve created some community and there’s a camaraderie there and I really appreciate that. I just love the people that I do business with and thank you. So again, Happy Thanksgiving, have a wonderful couple of weeks. I’ll talk to you in the early part of December. We’ll have probably our last update before Christmas hits and if there’s anything else I need to let you know about, I’ll let you know through the blog or through the YouTube videos. Oh speaking of YouTube videos and blogs, if you get a chance to watch that massage chair history, check it out. It’s a three-part thing, I talked about it in the last update, but I think that video, or that video documentary on YouTube is fantastic. Go on my blog, you can find it there and it’s just really informative. I learned so much about the industry that I’m a part of that I should know more about. I learned so much, it was wonderful. Again, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘’ I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic Thanksgiving, and we’ll see you in a couple of weeks. Bye bye.


Here is a link to this Massage Chair Industry Update.

11 Things You Absolutely Need


11 Things You Absolutely Need to Know Before You Even Consider Investing in a High Quality, Robotic Massage Chair
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