Inada Sogno Massage Chair vs. Osaki 7000 or 6000 – Part 1
UPDATE (12/02/12):
Since this article was written, Osaki has added the OS-7200H and the OS-7075R, which are upgrades to the OS-6000 and OS-7000, respectively. The OS-7200H is the exact same chair as the OS-6000 but with a heat feature; the OS-7075R is the exact same chair as the OS-7000, but with foot rollers and a higher horsepower roller motor. Everything discussed in this article still applies to all 4 models.
The Inada Sogno massage chair is the creme-de-la-creme of massage chairs, but is not always within the budget of many of our massage chair shoppers. Many are looking for an inexpensive alternative to the Inada Sogno, with as many features as possible (arent’ we all?!).
Here is a letter from a massage chair shopper who asks some questions that are typical of someone shopping for massage chairs, but not quite ready to fork over the big bucks for the Inada Sogno. His interest, in particular, is the in the Osaki 6000 or 7000 models.
Here are our emails, his question and my response, broken up into 2 parts:
Massage Chair Question:
Hi! First of all, I’d like to compliment you on your website. Since we’ve been in the market for a massage chair, your website has easily given us the most useful information. Last month we tested the Inada Sogno Dreamwave at a home and garden show in Denver and fell in love with everything but the price. I’m sure you hear that a lot.
We live in a small town in SE New Mexico and testing any other chair seems out of the question, meaning we have to trust reviews and our research to make our final decision. A couple of the key features that are important to us are the intensity of the massage (we like deep penetrating massages), the stretching and zero gravity option, hip/thigh/calf and foot massage, and heat (as extensive as possible).
Based on these, your review of the Osaki 7000 intrigued us but we still have some concerns. The head massage band, although interesting is an eye sore in every image we’ve seen. Can it be stored a different way? It also doesn’t appear to do as extensive of a massage to the shoulder area as say the 6000. We really liked the way you described how it moves and massages the hips, that and the intensity have us leaning towards it over the 6000 (that has no heat).
If the 7200H is to include heat, how would you compare them (assuming it’s functionally the same as the 6000 with added heat)? Also, if we were to consider the 7200H over the 7000, when would you expect it to become available? Any more of your thoughts regarding these chairs would be very helpful.
Thanks for your time!
Massage Chair Answer:
Hi, Brian