Holiday survival guide: 5 ways to reduce stress

December 15, 2017
 By Alyssa
December 15, 2017
 By Alyssa

Holiday survival guide: 5 ways to reduce stress

This article talks about the stresses of the holiday season in which it then list ways as to how to survive it. The article talks about not over doing it as well as exercising to stay focused. Within the article is a list of cheap options to rejuvenate and stay on track during the holiday season in which it encourages readers to take advantage of. Overall, the article complies of tips that can keep someone ready for the season

Key Takeaways:

  • Set a schedule for completing some of your holiday tasks, and delegate some of one’s tasks to others.
  • Regular exercise during the holiday season can reduce stress and help burn all the extra calories coming in with holiday eating.
  • If one is grieving the loss of a loved one, feel free to take the year off from the holiday.

“It can be difficult to maintain a healthy diet during the holidays, with holiday treats around every corner. While it’s OK to partake, don’t overdo and try to eat right the rest of the day.”

Read more: Holiday survival guide: 5 ways to reduce stress

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