Top 10 Accupressure Points For Pain Relief

December 15, 2017
 By Alyssa
December 15, 2017
 By Alyssa

Top 10 Accupressure Points For Pain Relief

This article is all about acupressure. It tells the difference between acupressure and acupuncture in the beginning of the article, stating plainly that acupressure is simple applying pressure versus acupuncture which is breaking skin. It goes into details about how acupressure can be different for some people due to the varies pressure point. It also states how ancient the method is and how beneficial it can be. Lastly, it tells a compelling list of common pressure sites that can be used during this method

Key Takeaways:

Useful in the areas of stress and pain alleviation, acupressure and acupuncture are healing methodologies that originated in China.
The systems foundational belief rests in the idea that there are 12 meridians in the human body, connecting all the inherent organs, and assisting in,maintaining body balance throughout.
To alleviate menstrual cramps and lower back pain it can help to massage the sacral points, which are located a few inches above the tailbone.

โ€œThe practice of acupressure involves use of fingers, palms or elbows to apply pressure on the meridians, and massaging them in order to rejuvenate the energy.โ€

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