A Chair for a Dialysis, Bodybuilding Patient (For Under $3000)?

August 8, 2012
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
August 8, 2012
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

A Chair for a Dialysis, Bodybuilding Patient (For Under $3000)?

Again, I can’t say enough how much I love questions from my readers and site visitors. They may seem so odd and specific, but you’d be amazed how many people read the questions and my responses. You just never know who has what going on in their lives when they embark on a massage chair shopping adventure. Here is a question from a concerned wife…

I would like to know the best chair for my husband that is a recent dialysis patient, and many health issues that have arose out of it. He has developed restless leg syndrome that I am hoping the chair might help alleviate. The main purpose is because he is on a b-pap machine and is only comfortable sleeping in a chair. I noticed most all models state a 265 weight capacity. He is a 290 lb professional bodybuilder, so his back is very wide. I would like a massage chair, but the main search is for something he would be able to sleep in. I was looking at the Osaki 4000? We have a GEMoney account but would really need to remain below $3000. I appreciate the advice. Thank you, Mary

Here is my response…

Hi, Mary

Thanks for your email. Your biggest determinant is your budget. The weight limits on chairs is mostly recommended but I have seen folks far heavier than the recommended weight use a massage chair for a long time. I personally wouldn’t worry too much about that. More importantly is if your husband can fit in the chair. Any chair that he can fit in will probably do just fine for him. If his size is primarily from body work and not from mid body obesity then he will probably fit in any chair that would fit his height.

The best bang for your buck at $3000 would probably be the OS-4000, which you mentioned. If you can swing a few dollars more, I might suggest the IT-8200from Infinite Therapeutics or even the OS-7000, which is the most vigorous massage chair of them all (regarding intensity of the massage rollers).


The zero gravity in all of these chairs may make the sleeping easier for your husband. If the zero gravity doesn’t work, then the chair can be reclined with the seat at horizontal (without the zero gravity) and he can sleep that way too. Having the zero gravity option would be helpful for him. All three of these models have zero gravity.

Make sure that each chair can fit his height. Check out our comparison chart to make sure that any model you consider will fit his particular height. Here is a link to the comparison chart:

Regarding your husband’s health issues, no massage chair would be contra-indicated for him. In other words, being a dialysis patient would not be an issue on any massage chair. Again, his size and your budget will be your greatest constraints.

Let me know if you have any other questions or if you need assistance with your order. I am always at your disposal, either by email or phone (801-651-2026).

Dr. Alan Weidner

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