Zebrafish may hold the answer to why early life stress can make you sick when you’re an adult – Bangor Daily News (blog)

February 7, 2017
 By Alyssa
February 7, 2017
 By Alyssa

Zebrafish may hold the answer to why early life stress can make you sick when you’re an adult – Bangor Daily News (blog)

The extra amount of cortisol present in pregnant will make fetus vulnerable to disease as an adult. According to the research when there is any injury or infection to the body immune system will release cortisol for mounting inflammation response on pathogens. Once the pathogens are killed the inflammation should go away, but sometimes it does not and become chronic will causes diseases like Asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. the fetus exposed to this condition will also be venerable to these diseases

Key Takeaways:

  • A developing fetus is buffered from a lot of things, but if a pregnant woman is chronically stressed, she’s probably releasing a lot of the stress hormone cortisol into her bloodstream.
  • That extra cortisol may make the fetus more vulnerable to certain diseases as an adult. A team of scientists at MDI Biological Laboratory (MDIBL) in Bar Harbor, Maine is trying to understand why
  • “If she’s got chronically elevated cortisol which then goes through the placenta and some of it gets into the uterus, the developing fetus is exposed to much higher levels of cortisol than it would normally be,” explained Dr. James Coffman, who leads the research team.

“That extra cortisol may make the fetus more vulnerable to certain diseases as an adult. A team of scientists at MDI Biological Laboratory (MDIBL) in Bar Harbor, Maine is trying to understand why.”


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