In a new research study on financial stress, women in every age group reported higher levels of financial stress compared to men. Many factors such as income, age, and children in the household, enhanced the level of stress. Middle and low income mothers showed the highest levels of stress, and compared to men in the same category, had 40% less financial stress, despite living in similar circumstances.
When it came to age, 26% of men under 20 reported having no financial stress, while only 9% of women in this age category said the same. For the overall population, stress levels in general have increased over the years, with the number of people reporting “high” or “overwhelming” stress jumping from 18% in 2012 to 23% in 2014.
“While it’s no surprise to any working mother that juggling competing financial needs is stressful, small steps over time can create financial balance for families at any income level, “said Liz Davidson, CEO of Financial Finesse.
Read the full story here :: Women Suffering From More Financial Stress