Heart disease used to be called the silent killer and while that may still be true in one respect, it’s taking a back seat to another, known as stress. Stress can lead to heart disease as well as a slew of other health issues like stroke, anxiety and myriad physical pains and ailments. When stress is causing illness it’s best to repair your health by eliminating the triggers. It’s important to look at the cause of stress in one’s life and set boundaries, but if it’s one’s work, it may well be time to move on.
Key Takeaways:
- Stress, such as from a high-pressure job, can cause serious physical problems.
- Stress from either real danger, or just normal job or social concerns, tend to be reacted to by the body and brain similarly.
- Work to try and determine the source of one’s stress, and use that knowledge to deal with it calmly to reduce physical impacts.
“If stress at work is causing someone real, physical pain, and they feel strongly it will continue despite their best efforts, it might be time to go.”
Read more: What to Do When Work Stress (Literally) Makes One Sick – Harvard Business Review