Nothing lasts forever, especially the human body. Decades of bending, lifting, turning, and twisting can really take their toll on your neck. Considering all that repetitive stress, it’s no surprise that about two-thirds of people will experience neck pain at some point in their lives. Cervical disc disease goes beyond just a pain in the neck, though. A degenerative process can cause radiating pain, as well as numbness and weakness in your shoulders, arm, and hand. That discomfort and loss of mobility can have a major impact on your career, family, and quality of life.
Key Takeaways:
- The good news is that most of us will recover without the need for surgery—and conservative care such as physical therapy usually gets better results than surgery.
- The disk becomes flatter and less flexible, leaving less space between each set of vertebrae. Sometimes bone spurs form in response to this degeneration of the disk, making the spine stiff.
- The pain is often made worse by sitting, bending, and reaching. It may be worse first thing in the morning and after staying in any one position for a long time.
“The good news is that most of us will recover without the need for surgery—and conservative care such as physical therapy usually gets better results than surgery.”