Massage Chair LED Lighting – A New Phenomenon

April 27, 2012
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
April 27, 2012
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

Massage Chair LED Lighting – A New Phenomenon

Massage Chair LED Lighting Feature

A fairly recent innovation in massage chairs is LED lighting. The first time I saw it was last year with the Inada Yume, the latest offering from the Japanese massage chair manufacturer. It had some strip lighting on the outside of the ottoman, both sides. The user could not directly see the lights while sitting in the chair, but could, when the lights were off and the chair running, see an ambient light throughout the room within which the chair was situated. Kinda cool actually.

Osaki 6000 massage chair LED lighting

Osaki has since come out with 2 of their chinese-made massage chairs, the Osaki 6000 and the Osaki 7000, which both have LED lighting as a feature. The Osaki 6000 has it on the outside of the arm rest, while the Osaki 7000 has it on the outside of the lower side frame of the chair…both chairs have it on both sides of the chair.

Massage Chair LED Lighting = “Chromotherapy”

The name that has been used to describe this feature is “chromotherapy”, that is therapy based on color. I’m not too terribly familiar with chromotherapy, but I remember going to a Continuing Education seminar many, many years ago when I was a practicing chiropractor, wherein the instructor, a Dr. Brimhall, spent a fair amount of time discussing the therapeutic effects of color therapy for all sorts of conditions. It was fascinating although I never ended up using any of it in practice.

The gist of it was that flashing lights, of varying colors and speeds, had a physiological effect on the brain and, thus, on various and sundry health conditions. I can’t recall which conditions in particular, but I do remember that depression was one of the conditions mentioned. Of course, the lights were used in conjunction with other therapies, including sound, tapping, chiropractic adjustments, nutrition, etc. to give the patient a whole body wellness experience.

Well, seeing these lights on the massage chairs immediately brought me back to that chiropractic training class so many years ago. Now, I can’t say for sure if these lights on the massage chairs really do much in the way of physiological or psychological therapy, but I can say that they are really cool!! The lights look great and the ambient affect they have on the hosting room in your home or business is neat, especially when the room’s lights are all turned off.

I actually like the look of the lights on the Osaki 6000 massage chair the most. They are built into the side stripes of the chair adding to the aesthetic appearance of that chair. They are blue, which is also very nice looking. Blue is supposed to be a very soothing color…many marketers use blue in ads to induce a relaxed, comfortable feeling in potential buyers.

Here is a video we made demonstrating the LED lighting in the Osaki 6000…

Pretty neat, eh?

Dr. Alan Weidner

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