Transcript of Video Titled “Massage Chair Industry Update – August 19, 2014”
Alan: Hi, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘’ and today is our biweekly massage chair industry update for Tuesday, August 19th, 2014, and you know, it’s almost the end of summer, I cannot believe where the summer’s gone. Our next industry update won’t be until September, but I hope you’ve had a good summer, we had a great summer, of course, with the kids and the grandkids it makes it lots of fun. Anyway, the year is going fast, and the older I get, the faster time goes, the faster my hair recedes, and the faster the hair grows on my ears, and my nose, and my eyebrows, and the faster I gain weight in areas I never used to gain weight in. Anyway, it is the end of summer, and I hope you’ve had a good summer.
[SCREEN TEXT: Stock Status]
Alan: Well, as far as the massage chair business goes, stock is pretty good across the board. It is the season of – summer is not a heavy buying season for massage chairs – but it seems to have been a good season for new models, with Inada coming out with their Dreamwave, and with the Flex 3S, and with Human Touch coming out with their AcuTouch 8.0, and the WholeBody 5.1, and Panasonic coming out with the MA73. So, it’s been a good season for a lot of new models, and I suspect we’ll be seeing more models before the Christmas season hits, but stock is good right now.
Alan: Infinite Therapeutics, by the way, announced this last week that they are bringing back the black interior color on the Iyashi chair. Now, the Iyashi chair is that modern looking one, it’s got a white exterior, a hard plastic white exterior, and it’s a very contemporary progressive looking chair, but a great chair. It’s got the butt rollers, you know, the extended roller track goes down to the buttocks. It’s got the slide-away, you know, sliding base, away from the wall, so you can put the chair right up against the wall, and you know, a bunch of other great features, nice chair, but they only had two colors. They had the ‘Cherry Red’ interior color, and the ‘Caramel Brown’ interior color, which is kind of like an orangey brown leathery looking color. Well, they introduced a ‘Black’ about a year ago, but it was only temporary, and it was quite a popular color while we were selling it, but the ‘Black’ Iyashi was discontinued, and now they brought it back. I asked Mike over there at Infinite Therapeutics if this is a permanent thing, or if this is temporary, and he said this is permanent. So, the new ‘Black,’ the new ‘Black’ color is back, ‘Black’ is back. Now, again, it has black interior, not black exterior, it’s still a white exterior, but the contrast of black to white’s really a nice look. We put the new photos up, images back up on the website, and it’s there for your enjoyment, and of course, for your purchase, if you decide to purchase.
[SCREEN TEXT: The Ultimate Massage Chair Buyer’s Guide on]
Alan: Speaking of purchasing massage chairs, as you may or may not know, Massage-Chair-Relief, the whole intent of Massage-Chair-Relief, yes, it’s to sell massage chairs, but it’s to be a resource for people who are looking for massage chairs. So, it’s very difficult to make a decision on a chair when all you’ve done is looked online, read the feature set, looked at the feature set, looked at the pictures, and tried to compare it to other chairs, it’s difficult to make a decision. Sometimes you get a chair, and you go ‘Well, that’s not at all what I was expecting,’ or ‘That’s not at all like my Uncle Frank or Aunt Mary’s chair, I was hoping it would be like that,’ but every chair, every manufacturer, every model is different, and the feel is different and the experience is different. Unless you can sit on it, which is difficult at times, because there’s not a lot of places where you can try out all the massage chairs, the best, the next best thing is to have this data online, and our website is designed to be that data source for you, so that you have as much information as possible to make an educated decision.
[SCREEN TEXT: FREE KINDLE DOWNLOAD of Dr. Weidner’s Book Until Aug. 20]
Alan: Well, we’ve added two new resources for you. One is our new book ‘The Ultimate Massage Chair Buyer’s Guide,’ which I’ve told you about in previous industry updates. Well, that book is now on Amazon as a Kindle download, or as a paperback, a hard copy book. Well, the Kindle download is $2.99, and the paperback book’s $8.99, but the $2.99 Kindle download is free, and has been free since last Saturday, up until tomorrow, Wednesday, the 20th, at midnight. So, if you want to get the book, go ahead and download it, it’s free on Kindle right now until the end of the day tomorrow at midnight. It’s a great book, it’s 221 pages, as you can tell from the thickness of it, it’s not just a little tiny report, it’s a full-fledged book. It’s got 10 different chapters in there, it’s got a great appendix, which includes a whole bunch of articles that I wrote, and that have been on my blog and article library in the past, a glossary, massage chair resources, we basically cover every topic that I’ve been asked about in my 10 years in the industry, and even some things that I haven’t been asked about, but I feel are important for you to know. So, go ahead and download the book on Kindle, just go to, type in ‘Massage Chair Buyer’s Guide,’ and both the options will come up, click the Kindle, and download it. If you don’t have a Kindle, that’s OK because you can get a Kindle reader app on your phone, or on your tablet, or computer, and then you can just buy, or download the Kindle version, and then open it on your reader, on whatever your device is, so you can read it, it’s pretty cool.
[SCREEN TEXT: New YouTube Channel Playlist – Customer Interviews]
Alan: Anyway, that’s one resource, the book, and then the second resource is another playlist that we’ve put up on our YouTube channel. Our YouTube channel’s got over 250 videos, and counting each and every week. So, anyway, we’ve put up a new playlist, and the playlist is ‘Massage-Chair-Relief Customer Interviews,’ and these interviews are great. We’ve got two of them up so far, we should have about four or five, but my computer broke down two weeks ago, the webcam wouldn’t work, the thing fritzed out, the computer guy couldn’t fix it, so we’ve moved everything over to a new laptop, new camera, this picture might look a little different, because we’re using a different webcam. The bottom line is it’s taken me a while to get some more interviews done, but we’ve got two up right now, and Sarah and Brandon were up a couple, three weeks ago, and then last week, we put up Isaac Garcia, who’s a customer that we have in Texas, and he bought an OS-4000, and he shares his experience. It was a great interview, and it’s kind of cool, these interviews are cool, because I get to ask questions about their experience, and they get to share their experience, and how they decided on the chair they got, what they like about it, what their experience was looking for a chair, buying a chair through us, or any other retailer that they may have perused, but it’s a great, fairly objective – I mean, it’s not objective in the fact that they’re my customers, I get that – but it’s objective in the fact that it’s not me telling you about a chair, or about an experience of buying a chair, it’s them, and their real-life experience, and it’s cool stuff. Tomorrow, or the next day, we’ll be putting up an interview with Mimi McDaniel, it’s a two-part interview one because it was a 20-minute interview, and we had to edit it, and cut it in half, and make it in to a two-part interview. Mimi talks about her chair, and so you’ll get to watch that too, but with each succeeding interview, we’ll post them to the playlist, and if you are a subscriber to our YouTube channel, you will be notified whenever we post a new video, whether it’s a customer interview, whether it’s a massage chair industry update, whether it’s a chair feature review, or whether it’s massage chair industry interview with one of the heads of the industry, or whatever, you know, whatever it is, you know, feel free to go and check out our YouTube channel, but go watch the customer interviews, I think you’ll find them very helpful, especially if you’re still in the process of looking for a massage chair. So, those are the two resources we just have recently added, so hopefully you’ll find those beneficial.
[SCREEN TEXT: New Look to our Facebook, Google +, and Twitter Accounts]
Alan: We changed our Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus pages to kind of look all the same, same colors, same images, and it looks nice. I hired a company to do it because I don’t know what I’m doing, and to be quite frank with you, I was the one that put most of it together, and it was kind of a mess. You don’t realize it’s a mess until someone comes along and says ‘That’s a mess,’ and you go ‘It is a mess!’ You know, you kind of stand back, and you go ‘Yeah, it is, I’d kind of gotten used to it.’ It’s kind of like, you know, I was just thinking of my kids, I try to tie everything in to my kids, I guess, but you know, I’ll go to my kid’s room, and it’s a mess, and I’ll tell them to clean it, they don’t clean it, or like my son, my 16 year old, his job is to clean the bathroom upstairs, well, I tell him to clean the bathroom, and he cleans it, but when I go up there, it still is a mess. So, after a while, you just get used to it being a mess, and so it’s almost like your standards drop so much because you’re so used to what you saw, and then all of sudden, you know, you got a visitor show up from out of town, and they got to use his bedroom, and use his bathroom up there, and all of a sudden you realize ‘Holy monkey, this place is a pigsty, this is a disaster, this is a mess!’ That’s kind of how it was with my Facebook, and Twitter, and Google Plus pages, and these guys have cleaned it up nicely for me, and we’ll be posting on those social media platforms a little bit different. I won’t be posting every single video, and every single article, maybe it’s a little bit overkill. I’m a content guy, I love content, I love writing, I love sharing information, I love recording videos, and giving you content so you can make a decision. Well, we’re going to kind of be a little bit more discriminating in how much we post, and when we post. Anyway, you’ll see some changes there if you’re used to seeing our Facebook page, and go ahead and ‘Like’ our Facebook page, or share our Facebook page, or our Google Plus page, or our Twitter, or whatever, we appreciate you helping us spread the word about massage chairs, and also our business.
[SCREEN TEXT: Osaki Pro Dreamer vs. Inada Dreamwave]
Alan: OK, where was I, we talked about the Iyashi, the Kindle download, the playlist, another thing is I wrote an article – OK, you probably heard me talk about this a couple weeks ago when I was talking about comparing the Dreamer, the Osaki OS-3D Pro Dreamer, to the Inada Dreamwave – I had a customer that called and said ‘Which is more intense, I’ve heard that the Inada Dreamwave is really light, and it’s too soft’ – and he wanted me to compare it to the Dreamer. I have both of them in my showroom, so I said ‘You know what, I’m going to go down to my showroom, and I’m going to check it for sure,’ because you know, yes, the Sogno by default, or sorry, the Dreamwave, it used to be called the Sogno, but the new version is just the Dreamwave, the Dreamwave’s a pretty gentle, soothing massage, by default, but I know that you can increase the intensity. I’ve done it many times, you increase the 3D rollers, you take off the pads, you recline the chair all the way, but I couldn’t remember how intense it got until I compared it, in the shop, with the Dreamer. You know what, it was intense, man, like that Dreamer, the neck, the upper back, and the mid back, for the Dreamwave was more intense than the Dreamer, and the Dreamer, though, was more intense on the low back than the Dreamwave was. I was surprised by how intense the Dreamwave was, like it was – the gal that works in the back of the office, I could hear her calling out ‘Are you OK in there,’ because I was moaning and groaning – but it was sore, but I like it that way, I like an intense massage, that’s what I like. So, it was cool that I could see that the Dreamwave, as gentle as it can be, can also be very, very aggressive, and I love that. The Dreamer, on the other hand, had a fantastic low back, intense massage, which I found more intense than the Dreamwave. Well, anyway, to make a long story even longer, I figured, well, why don’t you just write a review of the two chairs, because they’re both very popular chairs. The Dreamwave’s like our top selling individual model, but the Dreamer is, you know, not that far behind, and they kind of have the same word, dream, in them. So, I thought well shoot, why don’t we just compare the two things. So, anyway, I started writing a comparison, I wrote part one last Friday, and that compared the differences between the two chairs, part two will come out today or tomorrow, and that’ll have the similarities between the two chairs, but anyway, check out that blog post, for what it’s worth. We have tons of articles on our blog, and I think there’s like 700 articles I’ve written over the last nine years, and you know, knock yourselves out, there’s a lot of good information on there for you to decide what kind of a chair to get. Anyway, and that is it for the blog posts, of the week, to talk about, and I think that’s about it. So, if you have any questions, or anything that you want to chitchat with me about, as far as massage chairs go, feel free to call me, email me, we have a chat feature on our website, you know, I’m always available. If I can’t talk to you on the phone, or if I can’t get to you right away in an email, I will get back to you, leave a message, you know, whatever, and then I will get back to you. If whoever answers the phone, you know, says I’m not available right now because I’m with another customer on the other line, leave your name and number, and I’ll call you back. Also, if you found this video helpful, please feel free to share it, like these videos, I just don’t put them up here just to hear myself talk, I’m kind of sick of hearing myself talk, to be quite frank with you, but I like sharing information that others can share with others to spread the word about massage chairs. Massage chairs is a fantastic industry, and it’s growing, and it’s becoming more and more popular in the United States, around the world, let alone the United States, and you know, I want others to know about it, and I want others to know that there’s an option for feeling better than having to drive out and go, and go somewhere to get care. You can take care of a lot of your aches and pains in house, and it makes you feel just fantastic. If you’re watching hockey, or a TV show, or a soap, or whatever, it feels pretty dang good to sit in a massage chair while you’re watching it, it helps reduce your stress, especially if you’re an Edmonton Oiler fan like I am. I feel so much stress when I’m watching hockey, I can’t even believe, I can’t even describe to you the stress I feel. Well, a massage chair makes that feel little bit better now doesn’t it, so there you go, it’s stress relief while you’re watching your team that stinks. Well, anyway, I don’t know where I was going with that, but you know, feel free to spread the word about massage chairs for us. If you found this video helpful, you know, thumbs up it here on YouTube, or share it, but you know, please help us spread the word. Well, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘,’ and I will see you again in two weeks for our next industry update. Bye bye.
Please click on the following link to watch this Massage Chair Industry Update on our YouTube channel.