Learn How to Prevent ‘Text-Neck’

September 21, 2015
 By Alyssa
September 21, 2015
 By Alyssa

Learn How to Prevent ‘Text-Neck’

Around 200 million America own smart phones. Admittedly, the handheld mobile devices are pretty great. Not only can you keep in constant contact with friends and coworkers, you can research virtually any topic in seconds and you can escape everyday tedium by playing a fun videogame. But, nothing good comes for free. Having a smart phone in your pocket means you never really off the clock and perusing your Twitter feed before bedtime can negatively affect your sleep cycle. It’s also been found that by constantly slouching down head to look at your phone, you can add pressure to your neck that can later result in chronic back, neck and head pain.

Fortunately, a drug-free treatment for “text-neck” exists. All you have to do is remember what your mother probably told you 1 million times at the dinner table and sit up straight. By affecting an upright posture whenever you use your phone, you can redistribute the pressure that’s being exerted on your neck. By being mindful of the position your head gets in while you read about how the home team is doing or when you look to if any new restaurants have opened up in town, you can actually save yourself from developing chronic pain.

Find out how to prevent tech text neck by reading this article.

Read the full article here: Smartphones may cause neck pain

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