Spinal manipulation treatment for low back pain associated with modest improvement in pain, function

June 12, 2017
 By Alyssa
June 12, 2017
 By Alyssa

Spinal manipulation treatment for low back pain associated with modest improvement in pain, function

A rising help to those with back pain is spinal manipulation therapy. According to research this treatment for back pain has been of help to those with symptoms of up to six weeks. This treatment has also had minor short or low amount of time of harm to the body for those who have taken it for up to six weeks. Over half of the population will encounter back pain in their lifetime. Studies have shown that spinal manipulation therapy has been having close to the same level of relief in patients that choose this route as compared to those taking actual medicine for treatment of this pain.

Key Takeaways:

  • People with acute low back pain experienced the benefits of spinal manipulation therapy within 6 weeks
  • There are many treatments for lower back pain like muscle relaxants and physical therapy, but no single treatment has been proven better than others.
  • Spinal manipulation therapy has been found to be as good for lower back pain as certainn anti-inflammatory drugs

“Back pain is among the most common symptoms prompting patients to seek care.”

Read more: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/04/170411130833.htm

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