Massage Chair Industry Update – June 29, 2021 (Video)

July 1, 2021
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
July 1, 2021
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

Massage Chair Industry Update – June 29, 2021 (Video)


Transcript of Video Titled “Massage Chair Industry Update – June 29, 2021”

[SCREEN TEXT: SUBSCRIBE to Our YouTube Channel and be Notified of Each New Massage Chair Video!]

Alan: Hi, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘‘ and today is our biweekly massage chair industry update for Tuesday, June 29th, 2021. Thank you so much for joining me.

[SCREEN TEXT: July 4th Sale Prices]

Alan: The Father’s Day sales have ended, but we are coming up on July 4th, Independence Day, and usually there are some kind of sales for those as well. Just FYI, the times that we see the best deals are at the Black Friday, you know, Cyber Monday time of the year as well as Mother’s Day through Father’s Day, though including Memorial Day in between. Those are pretty popular times for very, very good sales for most of the massage chair companies, but there’s always a sale, it seems like there’s always a sale going on somewhere, and for July 4th, as of right now, the sales that we have available are the Osaki First Class is on sale for $5499, which includes a two-year extended warranty, and that goes until the end of July. And then Infinity just announced, and remember from one of my previous, well, one of my blog posts as well as one of my previous industry updates, Kyota and Sharper Image are now part of the Infinity family, and the Kyota chairs are on sale. The Kyota 673 is on sale for $2999, regularly $4999. The Kyota 380 is regularly $4499, on sale for $2499, and the Sharper Image Relieve 3D is on sale at $2999, and the Sharper Image Revival is on sale for $1999.

[SCREEN TEXT: Kyota Yosei M868 = Infinity Imperial]

Alan: Now, the Kyota chairs and the Sharper Image chairs are primarily online displays, though the Kyota Yosei, Yosei, the number 868 is the same chair as the Infinity Imperial, which was a popular seller for us for quite a while, especially when they dropped the price down to $4499, it was a very, very popular sell, arguably one of the best bangs for the buck out there. Well, the new Yosei does have sales from time to time, and but we don’t carry those chairs in our showrooms. The Kyota chairs, we, for reasons that are particular to our business model, but anyway, we do carry the Sharper Image Relieve 3D in our showroom, in each of our three showrooms so far, but that is a good option for the $3000 to $4000 price point. It’s regularly $3999, it’s on sale for $2999, and that’s a decent chair for the money, it’s a 3D L-track with calf rollers, foot rollers, and probably all the bells and whistles you’d need. It’s a cheaper chair, of course, so the quality is not going to be the same as you would an Infinity Genesis Max, for example, but that chair we’re familiar with, and the Kyota Yosei, we are familiar with, not because we have it in our showroom, but because we used to have the Infinity Imperial in our showroom, which is the same chair. So, anyway, that’s on sale, and of course, kind of keep your eyes open for any other sales.

[SCREEN TEXT: Get on our Mailing List for Current Sales Updates]

Alan: If you download any of my free reports, you will be put on our mailing list for our, or my weekly Massage Chair Chronicle newsletter.

[SCREEN TEXT: The Weekly Massage Chair Chronicle Newsletter]

Alan: And that’s where we give you updates on sales, updates on the industry, I have a feature article or a feature video every week, we have a list of the previous articles and videos that we’ve had, that we’ve shown on that website, or on that newsletter, we have updates from our massage chair suppliers who choose to have updates for us. We invited all of our suppliers to give us updates, and so far, pretty much Furniture for Life and Luraco are the primary contributors to that, and we had some Daiwa, also some Daiwa input as well. But we have, it’s a pretty good newsletter, it’s not just a, it’s just not a newsletter, it’s just not a piece promoting sales and pushing deals, we want you to become educated through our newsletters, and we feel that it does do that. Anyway, you can, oh, and where I was going with that was if you download one of our free reports, you can do that on our website, we either, there will be a pop-up on our website for my ’11 Things You Need to Know,’ or you can go to the ‘Education’ tab on my website, and the last option is ‘Free Downloads,’ and you can download free reports there, and when you do download a free report, you’ll be added to our mailing list, so you can get our newsletter every week, and of course, it’s easy to unsubscribe. At the bottom of every newsletter, there’s an Unsubscribe button, so if you get sick and tired of me, or you got your massage chair and you don’t want to hear any more from me, or from our business, you can just go ahead and unsubscribe any time, it’s pretty easy.

[SCREEN TEXT: Massage Chair Relief Opening a Fourth Store in the Summer of 2021]

Alan: Let’s see, July 4th, I think that’s about it in terms of sales that are going on. Now, I mentioned that we have the Sharper Image Relieve in our three stores, and we are going to be opening a fourth store this summer. We haven’t signed the lease yet, we’ve been negotiating a lease and I will let you know as soon as I, as soon as we have signed that lease, and the process begins, and I am committed, and then I will let you know where it’s located at, and what the time frame, or the time line you can expect for us to have chairs on display there, but anyway, that’s exciting news for us.

[SCREEN TEXT: Fundraising Update for Make-A-Wish Foundation]

Alan: Let’s see, oh, you know what else? I was reviewing our Make-A-Wish page, and of course, from time to time, our Make-A-Wish fundraising page on the Make-A-Wish main page gets, the URL gets messed up, and we have to have it reassigned. So, sometimes you’ll get a mailer from me that has our Make-A-Wish address, and it won’t go to our page, but we do have a Make-A-Wish fundraising page, and there’s a portion of every sale that goes toward the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I’m a big believer in the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I love children, I have six of my own, and six grandkids at this point, and you know, one of my kids has diabetes, type one diabetes, so I’m sensitive to kids that have these chronic illnesses, and in many cases, terminal illnesses, and so I started, when I was a chiropractor, I donated, or maybe I did some fundraising through my practice, where we gave a portion of every visit over the course of a month, for example, to the Make-A-Wish Foundation with the intent of helping make a wish come true for a Make-A-Wish child, and it was an extremely rewarding experience for me, and for my staff. Well, when I started the massage chair website, you know, I wanted to do something similar, I wanted to carry that over, and so we have begun fundraising, well, we have been fundraising for a few years, but we donate a portion of every massage chair sale to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and I just noticed last week that our total was up to $78,375, and I just wanted to share that with you because if you’re a person who’s purchased a chair from me, a portion of your purchase went toward the Make-A-Wish Foundation. If you did not purchase from me, but you donated to my fundraising page anyway, thank you to my customers. Because of you, we have been able to grant quite a few wishes over the years to these Make-A-Wish children, and now I have a store in Mesa, and the international head office for Make-A-Wish is in Phoenix, and I’ve been there, and they’ve given me a little bit of a tour, I’ve met the CEO Richard Davis when I was there. It was a very, very rewarding experience going there, and it’s pretty awesome to see what they do around the world. But anyway, I’m a big fan of Make-A-Wish and thank you if you’ve purchased a chair from me, or if you’ve donated just on your own to my fundraising page, I appreciate you for helping me do this with the Make-A-Wish Foundation, thank you very much.

[SCREEN TEXT: Massage Chairs and Posture Correction]

Alan: OK, and then I wrote an article last week about posture correction. Over the years, I’ve heard, you know, of some chairs that will correct your posture, or there will be a comment that there’s a posture correction feature with our massage chair. And you know, I’m a chiropractor, and in this article, I talk about this, and you can read the article on my blog, but I just wanted to give you a little bit of a synopsis of it. As a chiropractor, one of our issues that we dealt with was poor posture, and people would come with a forward head carriage, or slouched shoulders, or a forward hip carriage, and those are, that’s pretty typical in the Western culture. I can’t speak for you know, other cultures, but the United States and Canada, with all the people that sit on desks all day, you know, this posture’s quite common, and I saw it in my clinic all the time, and you cannot correct posture by popping the bones a few times. You cannot correct posture by sitting in a massage chair a few times. There are things in massage chairs that support posture correction, like airbags in the shoulders that pull your shoulders back, or chairs that have airbags that hold the shoulders in place while the rollers go up and down your back, so it kind of tractions your back a bit, so it enhances a forward chest and bringing your head back, but those are not, those will not, on their own, correct the posture. And so, when you hear the word posture correction, I don’t want you to think that a chair is going to do that for you. If you are doing postural correction exercises, a chair will contribute to that because a chair will break up scar tissue, it’ll, the rollers and the airbags will decrease inflammation, it will break up muscle spasm, or reduce muscle spasm so posture correction can be easier. So, I look at a massage chair as a kind of an adjunct to posture-correction therapy, but not a main, a huge player in posture correction. And in my article, I talk about upper-cross syndromes and lower-cross syndromes, and you know, typical postural problems with tight muscles and weak muscles, and but it’s really about strengthening muscles and stretching muscles. You have to stretch the tight muscles, you have to strengthen the weak muscles, and then that takes time. It takes often a daily effort and it’s not just holding your head back and holding your shoulders back, because the posture patterns come back, and the muscle patterns that hold that posture will continue to pull your head, and your shoulders, or your hips in that direction, and so you’ll want to do specific exercise. And if you read that article, it’ll talk about what muscles to strengthen, or you know, to strengthen, and what muscles to stretch, and hopefully that’ll help you with posture correction, but please, don’t expect a massage chair to correct your posture, or a couple of visits to a chiropractor. I’m a chiropractor, so I feel qualified to say this, don’t expect a couple of adjustments, or a week or two of adjustments to change your posture. Posture is a muscular thing, and even though chiropractic adjustments can and will aid and abet in the correction of a posture, as will a massage chair, they alone will not correct postures. So, anyway, for what it’s worth, I wrote that article to kind of clarify some things about posture correction, and make sure you know, like there’s other things too, like you know, there’s you know, there’s claims all the time, health claims about various therapies, or I don’t know, devices that will help with certain conditions, or diseases, or whatnot, and don’t you know, I don’t want you think that you’re going to, when you get out of a massage chair, you will feel taller, you’ll feel straighter, you’ll feel like your posture is better, but then life, or the life of your posture creation, your poor posture creation kicks back in, and your muscles go back to where there were, and it’s short lived, that feeling, but you will feel taller after you sit on a massage chair, that, I remember feeling that the first time I sat on one. I couldn’t believe how much taller I sat, or stood, but it is not a cure for bad posture, it is not a long-term fix for posture, poor posture, and I think most people, I don’t know what the percentage is, but I’d probably say it’s 80% of the population has some postural issue, if not more, that could be fixed with, you know, repetitive exercise and effort, but not by sitting just in a massage chair, but it certainly help your posture correction protocol, if not cure it, but it will not cure it, or completely remove the postural issues.

[SCREEN TEXT: “Top XX Massage Chairs” Reports – My Opinion]

Alan: And then, you know, I was going to talk just a little bit about, and I’ve talked about this before, but it still comes up quite a bit. I get phone calls from people that’ll say things like ‘Oh, I’ve got this report that says that chair X or chair Y is a top 10 chair, or a top 8 chair, or a top 11 chair.’ I have a real, a bone to pick with those reports because most of those reports are written by people who are known as affiliates, and most of them are for Amazon, but they are affiliates, which means that they sign up as an affiliate on Amazon, and then they sell products through these ‘Top 10’ reports, or whatever avenue of marketing they choose to use, but those ‘Top 10’ or ‘Top X’ number of chairs, those reports, when they sell a chair through one of those reports, they get a commission on it, and so there is a link usually, when you mouse, put your mouse over the top of a link of a chair in one of those online reports invariably, it will bring up a link to Amazon, or some other website that’s promoting chairs that they are paying a commission out on. And so, please don’t put a lot of weight on those ‘Top 10 Chairs.’ As a matter of fact, I would venture to say, don’t put any weight on those massage chairs, those massage chair reports in your massage chair shopping algorithm. Some of the chairs, I’ve looked at some of those lists, and they, some of them are ridiculous. There may be 10 chairs on that list, or 8 chairs on that list, and there might be one or two that are good ones, but all the rest are either no names, or cheap, poorly made chairs, or chairs that aren’t even made anymore. I saw one report recently where they had an Omega chair on there, and Omega hasn’t been in business in years. We used to carry them, that’s why I know, but anyway, it’s just please be careful. There’s so much stuff out there in our industry that is kind of questionable, at best, and a little murky, and please be careful with those reports. Don’t always buy in to them, the reports may have some chairs they recommend, which are decent options, don’t get me wrong, but I would not call an Omega, I can’t even remember the name of the chair, but the Omega chair as one of the top 10 in the country, or in the world, no way, no bloody way. I would say, you know, maybe a Panasonic, yeah, maybe a Luraco, yeah, maybe an OHCO, yeah, or a, I don’t know, there’s lots of great brands, but I would not put a lot of weight on some of these, well, OK, all of these reports because they’re just, mostly just, they’re money grabs. They’re trying to get you to click on a link, and then go to Amazon and buy from Amazon, and then they get paid a commission. So, anyway, take that for what it’s worth. If the report does serve you well, well then, more power to you, but please just kind of be a little leery of them. Don’t put all your eggs in that basket, I’ll tell you, because there’s an algorithm for buying chairs, and one of them is online literature, part of the algorithm is the online literature, and so you have to be careful what you what you read, and what you find, and what you see, and then there’s other things part of the algorithm of making a decision, like sitting in a chair, like check out reviews of a chair, checking out the customer support, and the warranty, and the return policy. There’s all these things that come in to play when you’re making a decision to buy a chair, and one of things you have to take in to account is that the quality, or the veracity, or truthfulness of the online literature you’re reading. So, just take that as, you know, just some things to consider.

[SCREEN TEXT: Please “Thumbs Up” Like This Video!!]

Alan: I hope, I hope you found this helpful. If you found this video helpful, or any part of it, please feel free to thumbs up ‘Like’ us on our YouTube channel, and of course, help us spread the word about massage chairs by you know, sharing this video, or any of our videos, with your friends and family. We appreciate you helping us spread the word about massage chairs. Well, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘,’ and I hope you have a great couple of weeks, a great Independence Day, and we will see you again in two weeks. Bye bye.

Click on the following link to watch this Massage Chair Industry Update on our YouTube channel.

11 Things You Absolutely Need


11 Things You Absolutely Need to Know Before You Even Consider Investing in a High Quality, Robotic Massage Chair
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