Best Choices After the Inada Sogno?

August 13, 2013
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
August 13, 2013
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

Best Choices After the Inada Sogno?

Inada Sogno

Here is a representation of a pretty typical email conversation about chairs and wondering which one to buy. I thought you might enjoy reading this email exchange and that you may get something from them…

Email #1a:

Are there ever sales on the Inada Sogno? The price has steadily gone up on this chair since its release but has the product changed at all? I’m guessing the increasing value of the yen had something to do with the price increases, but now that the yen has fallen back, I don’t guess they will be as quick to lower their prices. Anyway, I’ve just started researching massage chairs and appreciate your web site. From my limited research the Inada ranks as the top of the line with no real apparent close competitor. The Osaki 7200H seems a distant 2nd and possibly the best value. Is there that huge of a difference between the two? $3.5k verus $8k…is the Inada really 2.5x better? I’m afraid I’d feel sick using the Inada knowing how much I spent for it…but in its defense I haven’t seen many not happy with it…although buyers of the 7200H seem to be happy with that chair as well. Thanks for any help you can provide! -Jon
My Response #1a:

Hi, Jon
Thanks for your email. Great questions! We offer a sale a couple of times a year on the Sogno, namely Black Friday/Cyber Monday and Father’s Day. Yes, the Yen is weaker relative to the USD, but I don’t see Inada lowering their price anytime soon. The Sogno’s are selling very, very well (they are our top selling model, month in and month out) so I figure they’ll just keep the pricing as is. If they do decide to drop the price, of course we will let everyone know.

The OS-7200H is a good chair, quite popular, but not with as refined or discriminating a massage as the Inada products. I have written some articles about that on my blog. However, for those who can’t stomach spending the $7999, the OS-7200H is a great option. I sell quite a few of that model and have not had many negative comments about it. I am sure you would be happy with that chair.

If there is anything else I can assist you with, please let me know. I am always at your disposal.

Dr. Alan Weidner

Email #1b:

I haven’t tried either one of these chairs so I can only speculate on the the value of their differences. I only recently tried a Cozzia here in town and that’s what got me interested in massage chairs. There are no dealers in Columbia, MO where I am so I will have to travel to either St. Louis or KC this weekend possibly. What is your 2nd best selling chair? I saw one website touting the 7200h as the 2nd best massage chair but would you agree with that?

I will try to make a decision by the end of this week if that’s okay. But honestly, I’m in no hurry.

I don’t guess Inada is coming out with the replacement to the Sogno any time soon? If I actually bought one, soon afterwards the price would drop substantially either due to currency value fluctuations or because of this model being discontinued. This model has been on the market for a long time now has it not?

Thanks Alan!!

My Response #1b:

The Osaki OS-7200H is a good chair but pales in popularity to the IT-8500, if you are considering a chinese-made chair. Take a look at that chair while you are at it. You can read good reviews on our site about that chair on the IT-8500 product page.

The Sogno was an industry game-changer. I would even call it “iconic” in the way it influenced the popping up of copycats left and right (the Osaki OS-7200H and the Infinity IT-8500 being two of those copycats). I don’t expect the price to drop. I had dinner with Cliff Levin, President of Inada USA, just a week ago and we spoke of the Yen/USD value change, but there was no hint, whatsoever, of any price dropping. Inada plans to continue manufacturing the Sogno. It is our best seller…I can see why they would continue to produce them. Nothing on the horizon, that I am aware of anyway, ย is coming from Inada to supplant the Sogno.

Infinity Iyashi

Infinity has this new Iyashi chair that I feel will make quite a statement in the market in pretty short order. I just received the first one in the country for our showroom. I am very impressed with it. You can see it here and, following that link, is Part 1 of a review I did of that chair last Saturday.

I hope this all helps you in some way.

Dr. w.

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