As Many as 1 in 3 Experience New or Worse Pain With Yoga

August 25, 2017
 By Alyssa
August 25, 2017
 By Alyssa

As Many as 1 in 3 Experience New or Worse Pain With Yoga

Yoga has been touted as a panacea for everything from weight loss to pain. But a study indicates it might contribute to back pain in as many as thirty percent of practitioners. Some of these are new pains and can be attributed to misuse or sore muscles say researchers. The group at Mercy College who surveyed practitioners found a large portion of participants had pain in other parts of the body during the year and most felt it improved. Rarely does a yoga routine wind up putting someone in the hospital, though, so clinicians still encourage people to try it.

Read more: As Many as 1 in 3 Experience New or Worse Pain With Yoga

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