A Bunch of Massage Chair Bull!!

June 2, 2009
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
June 2, 2009
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

A Bunch of Massage Chair Bull!!

I had a phone call from Clearwater, Florida yesterday morning, from a massage chair shopper. We had a wonderful conversation, but he said one thing about his massage chair shopping experience that stuck in my head all day and night and has been progressively driving me nuts (and I am a little nuts to begin with!). He was told by an employee/owner at a brick-and-mortar store in Clearwater that they didn’t have any massage chairs to try out because since the recession began no one is buying massage chairs. So, because of that they do not carry any massage chairs in their store now.

That bugged me so dang bad that I just had to write about it. Our experience has been completely and totally opposite of that.  Since the recession began last summer, our sales have been better than they have ever been in the 5+ years I have been in the massage chair business! Granted, we have less people visiting the website, but the true buyers are still out there and massage chair sales are flourishing during this recession. It has totally surprised me, to be honest with you, but I am so excited to say that sales have never been better and we continue to grow. But, having said that, I believe that I am a street-smart and fiscally conservative business owner…and that is something we must all be to thrive in this challenging economy.

So, the “bull” to me is someone saying that no one is buying massage chairs when, in fact, sales are exceptional. I think comments like those speak to marketing effectiveness and responsiveness to the market. We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and taking care of our clients LONG AFTER the sale is completed. I don’t buy into the doom and gloom. I just buy into giving the customer exactly what they want….and that is to be taken care of! Call me old-fashioned, but that is exactly how I like to be treated. You know the old “Do unto others…” addage. Or “The Golden Rule”. Old fashioned? I don’t think so. I just think people nowadays expect everything without giving an effort. The concept of reciprocity is lost on a lot of our up-and-coming generation. I know my kids have, at times, bought into the entitlement mentality, where they feel things are owed to them. That really bugs me. “You reap what you sow”; “What goes around comes around”. It’s all the same thing.

Oh well, enough of that soap box. We are old fashioned, we are thriving, we love what we do, we enjoy every assocation with every person who calls or emails us, we are exceedingly optimistic about the future. Massage chairs are awesome!!

Have a wonderful (and prosperous) day!

Dr. Alan Weidner

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11 Things You Absolutely Need to Know Before You Even Consider Investing in a High Quality, Robotic Massage Chair
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