5 Tips To Help You Decide Which Chair Is Right For You!

May 10, 2013
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
May 10, 2013
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

5 Tips To Help You Decide Which Chair Is Right For You!

Making the decision of which massage chair to buy is a heavy one. So many chairs to pick from, so many models, so many colors, so many features. Even if you have a chance to sit on a chair, it is still hard to decide, especially if you have other models to try out at the same time.

Very confusing business. I get calls all day long about the differences between massage chairs and massage chair companies. Here are some suggestions when deciding which chair to get or which one may be right for you:

1. What are your needs? Do you have low back pain, upper back pain, headaches, neck pain, butt pain, mid back pain…and the list goes on and on. Or are you just getting a chair for stress relief, for the novelty of having one, for a theater room, or something else besides some pain relief.

2. What features are a must-have, in your opinion? Do you want foot rollers, which have become “all the rage” lately for massage chair shoppers. Do you want a music system? Is heat important to you? Do you want lots of airbags? Do you want a chair with adjustable intensity for the rollers and the airbags? How about intensity…do you want something that will rock your world because it is so intense, or do you want a gently, soothing massage instead? Do you want a chair that can handle a large body frame? Do you want zero gravity, head massage, upper arm massage, rocking, foot massage…and the list goes on and on. Figure out what you want  and need and then it will be easier to siphon through all the models out there to find the one that most closely meets all your wants and needs.

Is it important to you if a chair is made in Japan, China, or the USA?

3. What is your budget? If price is a barrier to entry into this market, then there are some models you don’t even want to look at. On the other hand, is money not an object to you and you want the best chair out there? Then there are some models you certainly want to include in your research. But, you can get massage chairs priced anywhere from $1500 to $8000!

4. Compare features! You can do that easily enough with a good massage chair comparison chart. Compare each model and decide which one sounds like it would fit your needs the very best. Here is a fantastic comparison chart to get you started (I think it’s the best dang comparison chart in the industry!):


A lot of the models out there are very, very similar in looks and feature-sets. It is good to be able to compare each model to see where the subtle differences are.

5. Try out as many as you can! Now, this is a hard one. Other than our showroom store, Massage Chair Relief in Salt Lake City, Utah, good luck finding a place where you can have all the major name brands under one roof to try out. But, if you can, at the very least, try out one or two models on your list, that would help immensely.

I am of the opinion, based on 10 years of personal experience in this industry, that no matter how much studying you do on paper or on the internet to compare features, there is nothing quite like actual in-chair experience to figure out which chair is “right” for you. I can’t tell you how many folks have come to my showroom from all over the country believing that they knew which chair they wanted, but just needed to sit on it for sure to confirm their decision…and found out that the chair they thought they wanted, based on their online research, is not at all what they were expecting. And they decided on another model in our showroom.

We have actually begun a program for “out-of-staters”, which encourages folks from all over the country to come to our showroom to try out all of our 14 display models. And, lots of folks are taking us up on the offer. Here is more info on that program:


You can see that there are lots of things to consider when deciding on a massage chair. I hope this assists you in some way in your decision-making process.

Please feel free to call me anytime at 888-259-5380 if you need some more guidance in your search. I am always available to you to help you along the path.

Dr. Alan Weidner

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Since 2005, Massage Chair Relief has been selling the highest quality massage chairs for home and business use. We offer a wide selection of chairs and information to help you choose the brand and model that is right for you
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