Women2day: Stress and the gender divide – ChesterChronicle.co.uk

May 10, 2017
 By Alyssa
May 10, 2017
 By Alyssa

Women2day: Stress and the gender divide – ChesterChronicle.co.uk

The stress level in women is twice as much as it is in men. Women often deal anxiety and depression more often than men do. Women have more stressors than men according to the article because they have to raise children and often have to take care of others like elderly parents. Women have to carry the whole world on their shoulders often working a fulltime job and running a house hold all by themselves.

Key Takeaways:

  • Stress can have an extremely negative impact on people and the consequences of stress can be anxiety and depression.
  • Cultures with a large gender divide have shown women must deal with a higher amount of stress and depression
  • The ways men and women deal with stress is the same today as it was 200,000 years ago.

“Studies have shown that women differ from men in how they emotionally respond to stress – women are much more likely to report a rise in their stress levels than men are.”

Read more: http://www.chesterchronicle.co.uk/news/chester-cheshire-news/women2day-stress-gender-divide-12924353

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