What You Don’t Know About Therapy

November 15, 2016
 By Alyssa
November 15, 2016
 By Alyssa

What You Don’t Know About Therapy

Seeking help using emotionally focused therapy can seem like an overwhelming task at first, especially when a person really needs it. Asking for this kind of help takes a level moral fiber that not all of us have. Any therapist is initially a stranger to all of their patients and that alone can put some people off ever wanting to go. But have you ever considered why a therapist does it all?

Key Takeaways:

  • Admitting that you need help is one of the bravest things a person can do.
  • Deciding to seek therapy can feel especially daunting. While our friends and families know us, a therapist is a stranger at first.
  • But for others, especially those who struggle with vulnerability, the idea of talking to anyone, let alone someone new, might feel out of the question.

“Deciding to seek therapy can feel especially daunting. While our friends and families know us, a therapist is a stranger at first. For some people, perhaps this is a comforting thought, as it may feel easier to talk to a stranger than a loved one.”


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