The Ways We Inadvertently Stress Ourselves Out

June 6, 2016
 By Alyssa
June 6, 2016
 By Alyssa

The Ways We Inadvertently Stress Ourselves Out

In many cases, itโ€™s easy to identify the sources of stress in our lives. Suddenly losing your job or suffering from an accident that requires long-term rehabilitation are both situations that would bring a great deal of stress into your life. However, we also bring stress, anxiety and frustration into lives in ways that are not immediately obvious. A recently published Forbes article took a look at this phenomenon with an in-depth examination of all the ways we can unknowingly bring needless mental and physical strain on ourselves.

Right off the bat, the article discusses the different ways our eating habits can affect our stress levels. For instance, when we skip meals or go for an extended period of time without eating anything, it can cause imbalances in our blood sugar level.

Doing so places a great amount of stress upon your body and can negatively affect your ability to concentrate and understand and retain new information. Also, consuming excessive amounts of caffeine over the course of the day can make it harder for us to fall asleep at night while also degrading the quality of our. Click on the link below to learn about the other simple everyday activities we engage in that cause us to feel stressed out.

Read the full article here:

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