UK study to help chronic pain sufferers back to work – Medical Xpress

November 29, 2016
 By Alyssa
November 29, 2016
 By Alyssa

UK study to help chronic pain sufferers back to work – Medical Xpress

Researchers from the University of Warwicks Medical School are leading a unique study to explore ways of helping people with chronic pain back to work. Individuals who are unemployed due to chronic pain face slightly different obstacles to returning to work than those with mental health problems in the absence of chronic pain. This study will not only help us to determine what support is needed to help those people return to work but will also have a knock-on effect on the UK economy, as arthritis-related conditions account for the second biggest reason for workplace absence.

Key Takeaways:

  • Working with employers they will design a package of care and support for people who are out of work because of chronic pain.
  • Chronic pain is seldom confined to one part of the body which this may present unique challenges to patients.
  • It is anticipated that work placements will increase participants’ confidence in both their ability to work and returning to work.

“Working with employers they will design a package of care and support for people who are out of work because of chronic pain.”

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