Two studies find no link between flare-ups of knee or back pain and weather changes – MinnPost

January 27, 2017
 By Alyssa
January 27, 2017
 By Alyssa

Two studies find no link between flare-ups of knee or back pain and weather changes – MinnPost

If you know anyone with bone or joint issues, you may have heard them say that they know when the weather is going to change. Two recent Australian studies have debunked these claims. They found no link between pains felt by people with these issues and changes in the weather. The thought is that people look back and “remember” past events as fitting into this stereotype when they do not. While there are limitations to the studies since they rely on subjective data, these claims appear to just be our brains tricking us.

Key Takeaways:

  • Is your osteoarthritic knee or back acting up lately? Well, you may not be able to blame this month’s cold temperatures or other weather-related factors — at least, according to two recent Australian studies.
  • “The belief that pain and inclement weather are linked dates back to Roman times,” said Chris Maher, director of the musculoskeletal division of the George Institute for Global Health, which conducted the studies, in a released statement.
  • Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint in the body, but it most typically affects weight-bearing ones, such as those of the spine and knees.

“Human beings are very susceptible so it’s easy to see why we might only take note of pain on the days when it’s cold and rainy outside, but discount the days when they have symptoms but the weather is mild and sunny.”

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