What produces stress in your life? What causes you to have tension filled headaches and muscle cramps? I bet it’s a host of all sorts of issues and concerns. At the top of the list is typically things like family and children. Being concerned for the family’s well being and a child’s safety and progress in society are definitely huge concerns.
Second to this? I’m sure career or business related issues. Perhaps you are concerned about a possible job opportunity, or a promotion, or the trajectory of your own business. These are certainly hefty concerns that will cause you to have a lot on your mind and to stress.
One way of helping that stress is by learning from others and being led by their wisdom. That’s where today’s post comes in handy. Take a listen to these business and life gurus as they talk about the books that have been influential in their lives as a whole. These books will certainly give you guidance and teach you how to deal with that stress a bit more effectively.
Watch: Random