Study Finds Aerobic Exercise Can Improve Cardiovascular Health of Chronic Stress Patients

April 15, 2016
 By Alyssa
April 15, 2016
 By Alyssa

Study Finds Aerobic Exercise Can Improve Cardiovascular Health of Chronic Stress Patients


A study recently presented at the Experimental Biology 2016 meeting by the American Psychological Society found that chronic stress sufferers can lower their risk factor for contracting cardiovascular disease by getting more aerobic exercise. The organization’s study looked at the cardiovascular health rats that were placed under stress and they found that, rats that got regular aerobic exercise had healthier blood vessels than those that did not. Based on those findings, chronic stress patients may be able to improve their cardiovascular health, and their body’s ability to process stress, by taking up jogging, swimming, skiing, hiking and even certain types of dance.

Along similar lines, massage can also improve the cardiovascular health and lower the stress level of people who grapple with chronic stress. In terms of cardiovascular health, certain forms of massage have the effect of improving blood circulation throughout the body. Massage can also lower person’s stress by triggering the body’s relaxation response, a state in which the brain floods the bloodstream with calm inducing hormones. Taken together, regular cardiovascular exercise and massage would likely greatly improve the health outcomes for someone afflicted with chronic stress. Click the link below to read more about this potentially groundbreaking cardiovascular health study.

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