Stressed-out dads can affect kids’ language skills

October 1, 2016
 By Alyssa
October 1, 2016
 By Alyssa

Stressed-out dads can affect kids’ language skills

Being a stressed out father to a toddler can have a detrimental effect on a child’s language skills and cognitive development. When a father is stressed he may not interact with the child as much, thus harming important skills that toddlers need to devleop. It is important that a father take care of himself first in order to help a toddler succeed in positive growth and important skills learned at a young age.

Key Takeaways:

  • When dad’s are stressed-out about parenting, it may take a toll on their toddlers.
  • when fathers had high levels of parenting stress their sons tended to have poorer language skills at age 3.
  • And both boys and girls typically scored lower on tests of cognition.

“Researchers found that involved dads can affect preschoolers’ language skills and emotional development — as well as older kids’ risks of behavioral problems and depression.”

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