Step-Fathers at Highest Risk for Parenting Depression

February 16, 2015
 By Alyssa
February 16, 2015
 By Alyssa

Step-Fathers at Highest Risk for Parenting Depression


Most people think of post-partum mothers when they think of parenting depression, but parenthood sometimes takes a bigger toll on fathers’ mental health. In fact, this recent study showed that some stepfathers (with multiple family roles) experience the highest stress levels of all.

The study that analyzed data from more than 6,000 parents around the country found that depression risk increases for both men and women when the number of parenting roles they hold increases. Parents with “yours, mine, and ours” families hold three parenting roles – each of their own kids, plus a third when a new child is born – and are 57% more likely to be depressed than those with just a single parenting role.

The risk is even higher for fathers in such blended families when a father has biological children who don’t live with him. This is driven mostly by feelings of guilt for spending more time with his new children than his older ones.

Read the full story here :: Parenting and Depression Study: Fathers are at risk, too

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