According to a recent Australian study, one single injection of stem cells could cure chronic back pain for as much as three years. This breakthrough could curb the opioid epidemic that is killing thousands annually in the US and UK. About half of the study’s subjects reported no back pain for two years after the stem cell injection and others remained pain free for three years. Researchers think the method is so effective because when injected, stem cells reinflate the vertebrae that have become dried and cracked over time.
Key Takeaways:
- Stem cells are extracted from donated marrow and then grown in laboratories in huge quantities.
- The stem cells injected into a 100 person Melbourne test group reduced or eliminated back pain in about half the test subjects for two years, some for even three years.
- President Trump was said to be preparing to declare the opioid crisis an emergency over concerns of the number of deaths related to use of the drug that doctors widely prescribe for pain management.
“A single injection of stem cells could relieve agonising back pain for up to three years and curb the opioid endemic that is spreading in the UK and killing thousands annually in the US, new research suggests.”
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