Review of Titan TP-Pro Alpine

January 23, 2015
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
January 23, 2015
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

Review of Titan TP-Pro Alpine

Pro-Apline  45dThe new Titan TP-Pro Alpine has fast become one of my favorite chairs. It is one of two new chairs from Titan that features the extended roller track, a.k.a. L-Track. This model is a bigger-bodied chair than the 8400 and seems to have a more sophisticated roller mechanism. I will get into a comparison of the 3 L-Track chairs we carry (the Titan 8400, Titan Alpine, and Infinity Iyashi) in another article, but for today I just want to discuss the features of the Alpine.

1. The chair arrives in one box and the only assembly required is the attachment of the ottoman. Quite easy. I even did it in about 10 minutes…and I am the antithesis of a handyman! In other words, if I can do it, anyone can. You don’t need to order White Glove Service for this model if you have the manpower to move the chair box to the destination room in your home or business. Save that money.

2. The chair has a nice look; it has a hard fiberglass/plastic outer panel on each side but not as ostentatious and “space-age” looking as the Iyashi’s full fiberglass exterior. It has a more conservative, traditional look. The interior is upholstered with synthetic leather and comes in a variety of colors, i.e. black, brown, bright red, and cream.

It is narrow enough to fit through a standard door frame. No worries with having to take off an arm rest to get it into another room, as is common with so many of today’s massage chairs.

3. The literature lists the recommended height requirements as 4’11” to 6’4″ tall. The shoulder airbags of this chair are hidden behind the shoulders of the user, built into the back pad. I mention this here because the user will not be restricted by a hard-stop shoulder airbag housing that so many current chairs have. If you have a large upper body and/or broad chest/shoulders, you will fit just fine in this model because there is not any shoulder airbag mechanism restricting your fit. I should also mention here that the overall comfort level of sitting in this chair is quite high. You won’t feel claustrophobic at all and could probably enjoy sitting in this chair even when the massaging mechanisms are all off.

4. Speaking of shoulder airbags, it should be mentioned that the airbags for this chair serve a different purpose than airbags that inflate from the side of a chair. In this case, the airbags are used in conjunction with the waist and hip airbags to induce a rotational, torsional twisting motion of the torso. This is particularly noticeable in the stretch program.

The shoulder airbags inflate behind one shoulder and then the other, pushing the shoulders and upper body forward. At the same time the opposite-side waist airbags are also inflating, pushing the lower torso/lumbar area forward. As these two opposing motions are occurring, the hip airbags are concurrently inflating to pin the hips into the chair while the shoulder and waist airbags are doing their twisting thing to the torso. I hope that makes sense. But, it is a pretty cool use of airbags.

5. The stretch program needs a little more explanation. The stretch program in these L-Track, extended roller track chairs is different from the more typical extension stretches in the more “traditional” massage chairs, i.e. Infinity IT-8500 or Inada DreamWave. Because the roller tracks extend down under the seat, the roller track makes the chair back and seat one unit that has to move together. Understanding that, you will see why the chair back cannot recline independent of the seat, which is the essence of stretching programs in the other chairs.

This chair, as well as the Iyashi, uses the ottoman a lot more to pull the legs and stretch the low back. In the Alpine, the chair will recline as a unit, while the ottoman airbags will grab your feet and calves and drop down. This will create a “pulling” effect to the low back. This is one component of the stretch program in this chair.

The 2nd component of the stretch program in the Alpine is the synergistic use of the shoulder, waist, and hip airbags as described in point #4 above.

Arm Airbags

Arm Airbags

6. The arm airbags are located in the armrests, but unlike other chairs your arms can be put into the massaging mechanism from the top and not from the side. It places your arms in a more ergonomically and posturally correct position.

7. The remote control is quite easy to use. It is not huge and has a simple display. It sits in a slot at the front of the right arm rest (next to a USB port into which you can plug your phone to recharge while you are enjoying your massage). Here are some of the things I noticed about the remote control:

  • The “Relax Position” is just a different term for “Zero Gravity”. Just press that button to recline the chair into a zero gravity position.
  • The time left on the session is visible at the top left hand corner of the display. You can adjust the2015-01-20 15.01.43 time of your session in 5 minute increments up to 30 minutes using a button at the top right hand corner of the remote, next to the “Pause” button. The Pause button can be used during any massage program to stop the massage in it’s tracks. Then just push it again to continue where you left off. You’ll appreciate this button if you have to go to the restroom halfway through your massage program and don’t to start your massage all over again when you return!
  • There are 6 auto programs: Deep Tissue, Traditional Chinese Massage, Snooze, Calm, Body Stretch, and Night Mode.
  • You can press the “Vibration” button which will turn on a vibration massage feature in the seat.
  • The heat button provides a good deep lumbar (low back) heat.
  • “Speed” button = “Strength” on the remote display. In other words, the roller speed levels are seen on the “Strength” graph on the display. I just might mention here that for most chairs the speed of the rollers can only be adjusted in the manual settings and during any automatic programs. Not so in the Alpine. You can speed up or slow down the roller activity in both automatic and manual programs.

8. The foot and calf ottoman extends and retracts electronically. When you find the right length for your legs at the beginning of your massage, just push your toes forward at the top of the foot massager and a sensor will stop the ottoman at your perfect length.

9. The main thing I like about this chair, when compared to the Iyashi, another very popular L-Track model, is the vigor and depth of the neck massage. This chair does as good a job in the neck as in the rest of the spine. My only beef with the Iyashi is that the neck massage is not vigorous and deep enough. The Alpine seems to have the best of both worlds.

10. Of course, last but not least, is the extended roller track (L-Track) that really makes this chair shine. You will LOVE feeling the rollers continue on down your back and then under your seat. The rollers will massage your gluts, piriformis, and peri-sacral muscles. This is what makes these chairs so unique. Other chairs use airbags to effect a therapeutic change in the musculature of the buttocks, but nothing can do it quite like rollers. This will blow your mind if you have muscles tightness or spasm down there. It just might even help your sciatica and/or piriformis syndrome.

These rollers extend down enough to hit the top of your hamstrings back there. I see more and more massage chair manufacturers coming out with this feature in future models because of the profound therapeutic benefit derived from butt rollers.

You can watch our intro video to the Titan TP-Pro Alpine on our YouTube channel.

Well, that’s about it for the Titan TP-Pro Alpine. I hope you found this review valuable. Great chair! I think you’ll love it. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to call us at 888-259-5380 or add them to the comment section below or on our Facebook page.

Dr. Alan Weidner

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