Reduce back pain and improve posture with the Hanging Traction pose: Yoga Moves

November 21, 2017
 By Alyssa
November 21, 2017
 By Alyssa

Reduce back pain and improve posture with the Hanging Traction pose: Yoga Moves

Yoga is a great low impact way to reduce stress and muscle fatigue, and treat muscular or spinal problems before the become worse. A Yoga Kurunta is a yoga technique involving a rope or strap attached to a wall. By slipping your waist into it, the Yoga Kurunta allows you to safely and more easily assume inverted positions. With the strap supporting you, it’s possible to allow gravity to soothingly work on your body while you maintain a position that would otherwise be very strenuous absent the Yoga kurunta.

Read more: Reduce back pain and improve posture with the Hanging Traction pose: Yoga Moves

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