Read This Before Taking Acetaminophen

March 6, 2015
 By Alyssa
March 6, 2015
 By Alyssa

Read This Before Taking Acetaminophen

If you take the pain reliever acetaminophen for any sort of pain, you may want to look into the long term effects it can cause. Many people take it for chronic pain, which means regular doses, but that amount of acetaminophen can cause kidney diseases and bleeding in the digestive tract.

It has also been linked to increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure. It is still safe to take acetaminophen occasionally, or when taken in moderate doses .

The article discuses a research study that reviewed over 1,888 studies related to acetaminophen, and involved over 665,000 people in the United States, Britain, Denmark, and Sweden.

Read the full story here :: Does Long-Term Acetaminophen Use Raise Health Risks?

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