Because they were such a potent source of solace and reassurance in our childhoods, we commonly tend to think of foods like macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, cookies and cheeseburgers as comfort food. In reality, these fatty, greasy and sugary foods have an effect on our bodies that is far from comforting as they spike our blood sugar, raise our blood pressure and puts an undue amount of strain on our digestive system.
However, there are certain foods that we can eat that will restore balance to our blood sugar and pressure while also helping us regain a sense of calm.
This Huffington Post piece offers a number of different tips on what you should and shouldn’t eat if you want to maintain a healthy and calming diet. One useful suggestion is to add more lean protein to your diet. By switching out the red meat in your regular intake for things like fish and beans, you’ll get the appropriate amount of protein while also reducing the amount of information that comes from consuming fatty foods.
It’s also a good idea to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. There packed with essential nutrients, antioxidants and the kinds of flavors and textures that will keep you eating healthy and resisting the siren song of junk food.
Read the full article here: