Nine Tips for Dealing with Situational Stress

April 18, 2016
 By Alyssa
April 18, 2016
 By Alyssa

Nine Tips for Dealing with Situational Stress

Although we do our best to avoid them, it’s ultimately impossible to avoid landing situations that are extremely stressful. Whether it’s getting cut off in traffic, getting read the riot act by our bosses or getting into a fight with our significant others, stress has a way of making it into our lives unbidden. Unfortunately, being stressed out on a regular basis can have a number of deleterious effects on your health ranging from back pain to hypertension to an increased risk factor for contracting cancer. Since stress situations are unavoidable, we shall find different ways of moderating our reaction to them.

This good relaxation piece offers a number of helpful tips on how to calm yourself down in the aftermath of an upsetting incident. The first is one many of us become acquainted with in childhood; when you become upset take a few minutes to breathe in and out slowly in order to regain your composure. That stress controlling trick works just as well for adults as it does for kids. Another tip is to write down all the things that aggravate you. Doing so is a healthy way to relieve your negative feelings in a way that will not cause conflict with others. Click the link below to learn more ways to keep your situational stress under control.

Read the full article here:

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