Lots of stuff to report this week.
1. Osaki has come out, yet again, with another model. This one is called the OS-3D Pro Cyber. I have a brochure on it, but the price has yet to be determined. It appears to be a more modern looking version of the OS-7075R with a couple of varied features from the 7075. For example, the brochure speaks of “next generation air massage technology.” The explanation in the brochure is “Through innovative engineering, we have reduced the total number of air bags but have increased the volume and surface area of massage. By doing so the total number of working valves has drastically reduced from prior models, which ultimately put less stress on the chair, making it one of the most mechanically sound massage chairs in the market.“
This chair also has 3D roller technology, which further differentiates it from the OS-7075R. Of course, as I’ve explained in previous posts, 3D roller technology allows for the user to adjust the intensity of the roller massage by moving the rollers forwards and back.
The leg massager extends electronically, like the OS-3D Pro Dreamer. Airbags are utilized in the shoulders and low back to induce a “twist” or “shift” of the body part. Infinity incorporates something like that in their Iyashi model. This chair also has mechanical foot rollers, though I am told they are not as intense as the foot rollers in the OS-7075R (2 rollers vs. 3 rollers per foot).
I hopefully will have this chair up in short order along with the new pricing. They haven’t given that to us just yet. The photo I included was taken on a cell phone at Osaki and is all we have right now. I’ll put up more pics next week.
2. The IT-8200 from Infinity has been discontinued.
3. I interviewed Jim Coppins, VP of Infinite Therapeutics, yesterday and should have those videos up on YouTube this week. We had a great conversation. We discussed the new Iyashi and the IT-8200 being discontinued, among many other topics.
4. Inada is back-ordered on the genuine black leather Sogno until October 30th. Inada also discontinued the chocolate brown color option of the Sogno.
5. I will be traveling to Dallas, Texas on Monday to visit Osaki and Luraco. I will try out the new OS-Cyber at that time along with the Marquis and Intelligent models. Hopefully I can also sit on the OS-2000 Combo and the OS-3000 Chiro. They have come out with so many new models, it will be hard to get a good feel of each of them during my brief visit.
I will also be checking out Luraco’s manufacturing and assembly process for the iRobotics 6S massage chair. When it was first broadcast on my blog that this was a primarily US-made chair, I got a lot of pushback from others in the community. Many assumed that the chair was actually built in China and only imported by Luraco. The folks at Luraco invited me to come out and visit them and see for myself. So, I am quite excited about going. I am bringing along my video camera to both places to get footage of the visits. Of course, I will report everything in this blog. I will probably write a post or two about the trip.
FYI, the iRobotics 6S is priced at $2000 lower than it’s retail price until the end of the Cyber Monday, after Thanksgiving.
Well, that’s about it for this week. Tune into my biweekly Massage Chair Industry Update next week on YouTube and I’ll give you even more good stuff!
Dr. Alan Weidner