New Massage Chair Warranty Registration

September 11, 2019
 By Dr. Alan Weidner
September 11, 2019
 By Dr. Alan Weidner

New Massage Chair Warranty Registration

This topic is a bit mundane, but it is something that comes up quite regularly when discussing new massage chairs with customers. This is something that no one really thinks about until a new chair is received and/or a warranty issue arises with a new chair…THEN it’s important!

Every chair we sell comes with a “factory” warranty, which is not really a factory warranty but actually warranty coverage offered by the US distributor of the chairs, be it Osaki, Infinity, DreamWave, Panasonic, Human Touch, etc. Each company assigns a warranty period to each model they carry.

For pretty much every company we represent, your receipt from us (or from whatever retailer you decide to purchase your new chair) acts as proof of warranty. Some companies will also send out a postcard with their chairs that you are asked to fill out and send back to them, or will include a link through which you can register your chair. And, I do recommend that you fill out those cards and follow the registration link. But your receipt from the retailer will serve as verification of your warranty.

When you call to open a warranty ticket for a chair problem, you may be asked by the distributor for proof of purchase. That would be the receipt you received from your retailer. They will also, most likely, ask for the serial number of your chair (which can be found at the bottom of the back of the chair). If you purchased your chair from us and have misplaced the receipt, let us know and we can send you another copy. This would be a good time to remind you to keep your original copy of the receipt from your purchase!

One of the areas of concern for customers is when they purchase an extended warranty in addition to the factory warranty. Most companies do not send out any verification of the extended warranty purchase. Once again, your receipt that shows an included extended warranty purchase will serve as your proof of purchase of said extended warranty. Your retailer should also have a receipt from the distributor showing that they purchased the extended warranty for you.

So, in summary, the bottom line when it comes to massage chair warranty registration is:

  1. Keep your receipt from the retailer at the time purchase.
  2. If you purchased an additional extended warranty from the retailer (you do not,  and, in most cases, cannot purchase an extended warranty from the distributor), make sure that it is included on your purchase receipt.
  3. If you receive a warranty registration postcard or link from the distributor with the delivery of your chair, fill it out just to cover all your bases.

This would be a great place to mention that if you have a chair problem, and require warranty support, you ultimately must call the massage chair distributor to open a “ticket” for parts & service. You can call us for the right phone number or for any input on what your chair is doing wrong, but it is the distributor that takes care of the warranty support.

Once the factory and extended warranties have expired, you will still be covered by our own Lifetime Labor Warranty (residential sales only). In the event that you have a problem with your chair at that time, you should give us a call but you will still call the distributor for diagnosis of the problem and for parts (again, contact us if you need a phone number to the distributor of your chair). Then, once you have the parts in hand, call Massage Chair Relief to get a tech sent out to do the work. That is how our Lifetime Labor Warranty works. Because you purchased a chair from us, you are automatically covered for that warranty. We just have to verify that you are one of our customers when you reach out to us.

Dr. Alan Weidner

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