National Stress Awareness Day 2016: Why we shouldn’t dismiss stress – Metro

November 13, 2016
 By Alyssa
November 13, 2016
 By Alyssa

National Stress Awareness Day 2016: Why we shouldn’t dismiss stress – Metro

As I grew the main ways I tackled stress eating, reading, TV paid off in some respects, and backfired in others. Today is National Stress Awareness Day as the name implies it’s a day to think about stress and how it affects your life and those of others. When it comes to stress, it means reminding yourself that the world won’t end if you finish on time for once, or for asking for help with a project when you’re under, or that it’s okay never to check work emails outside of work.

National Stress Awareness Day 2016: Why we shouldn’t dismiss stress – Metro

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