Mindfulness meditation helps to control emotions, says study

November 15, 2016
 By Alyssa
November 15, 2016
 By Alyssa

Mindfulness meditation helps to control emotions, says study

I think that this was a well written article using relevant information from a current study from the Michigan Stat University. I have personal experience with mindful meditation and I can confirm that it works. I feel calmer and get less emotional about the “small things” going on in my life.

Key Takeaways:

  • On the basis that mindfulness can help to regulate the emotions, the team wanted to know whether someone who is not naturally mindful can enter a “mindfulness state of mind” through a decision to do so, or by undertaking a focused, deliberate effort.
  • The team of psychology researchers, led by Yanli Lin, an MSU graduate student, invited a group of 68 native English-speaking females, who had not practiced mindfulness meditation before, to participate in the study.
  • Each participant wore an electrode cap, to enable EEG recording.

“Mindfulness has gained popularity in recent years. Rooted in religious practice and prayer, and especially in Buddhism, proponents claim that it can benefit the immune system, improve attention and memory, and increase the density of gray matter in the brain.”


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