Mastering The Mechanics of Back Pain

April 27, 2015
 By Alyssa
April 27, 2015
 By Alyssa

Mastering The Mechanics of Back Pain

Many people might not think about the mechanics of back pain, but researching it could help decipher more helpful treatments. A recent collaboration with the Balgrist University Hospital and University of Pittsburgh is starting to decode the mechanics of the lower back to find out exactly what creates the pain.

The goal of the project is to figure out how wear and tear affects the vertebrae and spinal disks, which would make choosing the appropriate therapy much easier. They will try to solve the questions about whether back pain is caused by walking upright, or if our problem is with sitting down, and also other factors such as lack of exercise, and stress.

Currently, the problem can usually be aided or solved by relaxing and strengthening the back muscles, however it still doesn’t work on in seven cases of back pain.

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