A massage is a very powerful therapy for knee and arthritis pain as well as stiffness. If you have a 30 minute massage therapy every week, then the pain will reduce a lot and you will feel a lot better. You will have less pain and also be able to move your leg more. Osteoarthritis is a very common joint disorder.
Key Takeaways:
- A study conducted by investigators at the Touch Research Institute showed that a 30-minute session of massage therapy once a week for four weeks resulted in decreased knee osteoarthritis pain
- Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disorder in the U.S., according to experts, and knee osteoarthritis is present in 13 percent of woman and 10 percent of men over 60.
- The clinical implications of these data include the advisability of using moderate pressure massage and focusing the massage on both the hamstrings and the quadriceps to achieve the ROM effects
“A recent study conducted by investigators at the Touch Research Institute showed that a 30-minute session of massage therapy once a week for four weeks resulted in decreased knee osteoarthritis pain, as well as increased range of motion.”