Transcript of Video Titled “Massage Chair Industry Update – November 27, 2014”
Alan: Today is November 27th, 2014, and this is our biweekly massage chair industry update for today, it is Thanksgiving today.
Alan: Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, I hope you’re having a magnificent day, and I hope you’re thankful for all the things that you’ve been blessed with. Anyway, let’s get right in to it, we’ve got a lot of stuff to cover today. I’ll get in to the Black Friday/Cyber Monday stuff in a moment, and by the way, I should remind you that we cannot advertise certain sales on our website.
[SCREEN TEXT: Download My Free Report to be Notified of Holiday Sales!]
Alan: We have strict guidelines that the massage chair companies lay out for us, but if you subscribe to our newsletter, or subscribe to our – download our free report, our free report that’s on the bottom of any page on our website, and on the top right-hand corner of any page on our blog, or our article library – you will be put on our mailing list, and you will receive updates as to specials that we have, sales that we have, special pricing we might have, floor models that we have available, used chairs that are available, so I would strongly recommend that you do that. Today we’ve got a lot of things to cover, especially with Black Friday/Cyber Monday this weekend, but let’s start, first of all, with stock.
[SCREEN TEXT: Holiday Stock Status]
Alan: Now, most of the chairs are in stock, you know, this weekend is the crazy weekend for sales in massage chairs. So, most of the companies, if not all the companies, have good stock. Panasonic is a little low though, they’re low on the MA73 and the MA70, and they will not be available until the first part of December. The ‘Brown’ IT-9800 from Infinity is back-ordered until the 1st of January, so if you want that chair for Christmas, you’re not going to get it, and the Osaki OS-7075R, the ‘Crème’ and ‘Taupe’ colors are back-ordered for another one to two weeks, so those are the chairs that are back-ordered. All the rest appear to be in good stock, and most of these companies, if not all of them, like except maybe Panasonic, right at this moment, are now ready for the Christmas rush. I will tell you, this weekend, Black Friday/Cyber Monday, kicks off the sales, kind of the crazy sales period for Christmas, tomorrow’s the day, you know, Friday.
[SCREEN TEXT: Holiday Shopping Officially Begins on Black Friday!]
Alan: Excuse me. So, be ready for that, and just know that the earlier you order, the better your chances of getting the color and the model that you want for your loved one, or for yourself.
[SCREEN TEXT: L.A. Port Strike]
Alan: I will also mention that the ‘Black’ Iyashi is finally in strike – in strike, I mixed up two thoughts there – there’s been a port strike in LA, and a lot of the chairs have been shipped already, but they were caught in customs, or stuck at the port because apparently, 70 clerical workers on the docks, down in Los Angeles, in Southern California, went on strike, and so this happened a few years ago, and I wrote about this on the blog. You can go take a look at the article, and I even give you a link to another article that talks in greater detail about the port strike. A couple of years, maybe two, three years ago, there was a port strike, and all the workers were on strike, and man, chairs were backed up. There were ships backed up out in to the Pacific ocean, unable to port, come to port, because of the strike, and chairs were – I cannot remember now, I think, it was chaos, I remember there was chaos, because people were fretting about getting their chairs for Christmas, and then eventually the strike was resolved – and the chairs came in, I can’t remember if every one made it before Christmas, but shipment began, definitely, before Christmas. Well, 70 clerical workers went on strike, the ones that, I guess, fill out all the paperwork for each of the orders, or each of the shipments, that are coming in from overseas, and they went on strike. So, needless to say, that slowed things down, and I had a couple of chairs from Infinity, and a few chairs from Osaki, that were held up for shipment because of this port strike. So, it looks like, I haven’t even checked the news, to check, to be sure, but it looks as though things have been worked out because our shipments came through, for both Infinity and Osaki.
[SCREEN TEXT: Black Iyashi Now in Stock!]
Alan: So, anyway, the reason I was saying that is because the new ‘Black’ Iyashis, the black exterior Iyashis, and in case you haven’t heard, Infinity now has a black exterior on their Iyashis, and it’s a beautiful look, really a nice look, and take a look at the pictures on my site, on the product page, it’s a very, very nice looking chair. Anyway, I’ve had a number of orders, and that ‘Black’ Iyashi was back-ordered, and that first shipment of ‘Black’ Iyashis came in while the port strike was on. So, we had a number of orders that were back-ordered because of the strike, not because the chairs hadn’t, weren’t supposed to be in, but they’re all in now. So, oh, and by the way, Infinity tells me that, although they have great stock on everything, the ‘Black’ Iyashi is going quick. In other words, I have a feeling they didn’t order enough, they didn’t know it was going to be as popular as it has been, and so, the ‘Black’ Iyashi is, stock is going quick. So, if you want a ‘Black’ Iyashi chair – and remember, the Infinity Iyashi’s kind of the modern, space-age looking, outer plastic shell, or hard, vinyl, what’s that, fiberglass shell – and it’s always been white on the exterior, and now it’s got black on the exterior, with two options, either a ‘Black’ interior, or the ‘Caramel’ interior, interior colors. That chair has the, you know, the 49-inch, extended roller track, what they now call the L-track, so the rollers come down to the back, in the shape of an S, of the spine, the S-shape of the spine, and then it comes under the seat, and works on the top of the hamstrings, and on the glutes, and on the buttocks, which is really a unique chair, and that chair now has come out with a black model, so it’s really beautiful.
[SCREEN TEXT: Titan TP-Pro 8400 & Infinity Iyashi with Extended Roller Tracks]
Alan: Speaking of extended roller tracks, we started carrying the Titan models, and I’ve never carried Titan models before, they’re a less expensive, kind of a cheaper chair, not huge margins in it for retailers, but a line of chairs that Osaki has imported as well, but they’re kind of a lower end, cheaper grade chair.
[SCREEN TEXT: Titan TP-Pro 8400 Arrived to Our Showroom Yesterday!]
Alan: Well, they’ve come out with a new model called the TP-Pro 8400, which has an extended roller track, and that would be the second chair that we would have carried – since we only have one, the Iyashi, we got the, we agreed to carry the TP 8400 – and it just came in to the showroom yesterday. We ordered one, it came in yesterday, my son set it up for me, he does all of our local deliveries, and setups, and warranty work for a lot of the companies, and he’s just great, he knows what he’s doing. Well, anyway, he set up the chair, and we sat on it yesterday, and I’ll tell you, I really like that chair. I will write a review about it next week, but it’s a very firm massage, it’s a nice looking chair, like it’s a good looking chair, the brown one that we got with the, kind of a brownish, dark brownish, reddish exterior, and then, a light brown interior, a very nice looking chair, it’s got the remote on the side. It has the roller track going down the back, and in to the buttocks, and this one’s about a 50-inch roller track, so it’s a little bit longer than the Iyashi roller track, but you could really feel it, if you slide your butt up against the back of the chair, and you have to remember to do that, because this thing’s rolling under your butt, and it’s kind of moving your body forward, and you kind of have to remind yourself to slide your butt back against the back of the chair. Those rollers get down in to the buttocks, and the glutes, and it really, really digs in there, I mean, it’s intense, and I’ve got sacral problems, sacroiliac, or you know, the tailbone issues. I play a lot of hockey, and that’s where my back hurts when I’ve done too much, and I always end up going to see the chiropractor, but I love getting massaged by the Iyashi because it hits that area. The DreamWave also hits that area, it doesn’t go as low, it only goes down to the tailbone, but this Iyashi and this Titan TP 8400 go under the butt and really dig in to that area. Well, the TP 8400 hits that sacral area hard, and I’m tender there, so it is a little tender there when I have working there because I’m already predisposed to tenderness there because of my problems there, but man, it really digs in there and it is great.
[SCREEN TEXT: Adjustable Foot Roller Intensity?]
Alan: It’s got foot air – well, foot-and-calf airbags, of course – but foot rollers, and they’re intense, it’s not a light, little walk in the park, like with the Osaki 4000, and the Osaki Dreamer, Osaki Cyber, this is a little bit more like the Iyashi foot rollers, it’s a little bit more intense. It appears, and I only experienced the chair for about a half an hour yesterday, but it appears as though you can adjust the intensity of the foot rollers. It has a little – when you push the foot roller button, it doesn’t just turn off automatically, it kind of, it shows some degrees of – like a little meter, changing degrees, so I assume that that means that it’s, that you can adjust the intensity of the rollers, and then you can shut it right off if it’s too much. It’s got arm airbags, it’s got shoulder airbags, it does not have hip airbags, of course, it’s got the rollers in to the butt, it’s got zero gravity, really a nice chair, and it’s only $2999, like it’s a great chair, a great bang for the buck, I must admit, but then I sat on the Iyashi after, and I’ll compare the two because they’re very similar with their L-track. The differences were that that you could feel that the TP 8400 went down a little bit lower on the top of the hamstrings, but the Iyashi was a little bit more of a – maybe a little bit more, sophisticated roller system, you know, the Titan chairs have a little bit more simple – or this Titan chair has a little bit more simple roller system, it gets in there and digs, but it’s not as nuanced, or as sophisticated as the Iyashi is, and that may explain the price difference is the quality of the technology used in the roller, the quality of the roller technology.
[SCREEN TEXT: No 3D Roller Technology in TP-Pro 8300 & 8400 Models]
Alan: OK, oh, and I made a mistake when I first reviewed, when I first put the Titan chair, both the 8300 and the 8400 on my website, I was under the impression, based on something that was on the Titan website, there was a 3D roller technology, and there is not a 3D roller technology on those Titan chairs, so I erred in putting that information out. I was corrected by the folks at Osaki and Titan, and that change has been made, but I want to make sure that you are clear that there is no 3D roller technology on the Titan, or the Titan 8300 or the Titan 8400, so just so that you know.
[SCREEN TEXT: 888-259-5380]
Alan: As far as floor models go, we have our Panasonic 30007, that is available. It’s a couple years old, but we’re selling it for $1995, it’s usually in the mid $4000s, the warranty will transfer for you. It’s a great chair, the 30007, any Panasonic chair’s going to last you 15 to 20 years, hands down. When people call me, and say ‘Hey, I’m ready for a new chair, I’ve had mine for 20 years,’ I know it’s a Panasonic, because back in that day, the only chairs that were around were the Human Touch chairs, which is a Chinese chair, and the Panasonic chairs, which is a Japanese chair, and the chairs that lasted 20 years were the Panasonic ones. So, anyway, great chairs, long lasting, durable, good quality, Japanese chairs, and the EP 30007 that I have in my showroom is for sale. We got to make room for the new Panasonic MA73, which is also on back-order, which we mentioned earlier, because of – well, not because of the port strike – but just because their inventory isn’t filled up yet. So, anyway, OK, so, floor model EP 30007, if you’re interested in that chair, you got to call me, call me at our number, 888-259-5380, and either myself, or someone else will talk to you about that’s here if you’re interested in it for Christmas.
[SCREEN TEXT: Osaki & Infinity Black Friday Deals!]
Alan: OK, Black Friday, now, I can’t exactly tell you what we’re offering as a company, you got to get online, and go on our website, go down to the bottom, download our free report, and then you will become, you will be put on to our mailing list, and then you can be, you’ll be notified – as a matter of fact, we’ll be sending out our first email this evening, about our Black Friday special, but also, a couple other black Friday specials that you should know about, and you can order – you can start now, you can order these today. Osaki is offering some pretty cool sales. On the Osaki, on the, OK, now, on the following – first of all, the Dreamer, the OS-3D Pro Dreamer, and the OS-3D Pro Intelligent, both will have a $1500 instant savings, rather than $1000 instant savings, so that’s going to save you $500 more on those two chairs. So, when you go on the website, we’ll have it up tonight, or my web guy will have it up later this evening, and you can check off those, you can check off those, that box for the instant savings, and now you’ll save $1500, instead of just $1000. Also, if you order the Osaki 7075R, instead of saving $500 on that one, you’ll save $700 on that one, instant savings, that’ll be on the website, and the – OK, now, here’s what else they’ve got, on the OS-2000, the OS-3000 Chiro, the OS-4000, the OS-7200H, the OS-7200CR, and the OS Intelligent – they are adding a one-year extended warranty for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. By the way, these prices that I’m telling you about, are only for Black Friday through Cyber Monday. After this, Osaki, and the Infinity, and I’ll tell you about the Infinity one in just a moment, that will be no more, so you got to – if you want these things, and I’m not finished even telling you what these thing have got, you’re going to need to get it done by Black Friday, which is – sorry, by Cyber Monday, which is Monday, December 1st. Anyway, so, those chairs I just listed, the 2000, the 4000, the 7200, and the Intelligent, they will all have a one-year extended warranty, free, for Black Friday/Cyber Monday. Now, on the OS-7200CR, the OS-7075R, the OS-3D Pro Intelligent, the OS-3D Pro Dreamer, the Titan 8300, and the Titan 8400, you will also get a free eye massager, and hand-held massager, with an order of those, until Black Friday, or throughout Cyber Monday, Black Friday throughout Cyber Monday weekend. So, that is a pretty good offer from them, and I want you to be aware of that, everything will be on the website for you to partake, for you to see, and partake, of those bonuses. Infinity is offering the free, two year, parts and labor on any of their models, and that again, is a free, two year, extended, parts warranty, which is usually a $250 option, they’re throwing that in for free, on all of their models. So, jump on that one as well, again, only available through the, from today, to the Cyber Monday, end of Cyber Monday, midnight Cyber Monday.
[SCREEN TEXT: Inada Flex 3S Price Increase December 1, 2014]
Alan: OK, the Flex 3S price increase December 1st, so the Inada Flex 3S is going up from $6499 to $6799 on December 1st. The people that really know the world markets are asking me, and I’ve had this question asked of me a number of times, when Inada raised the price of their DreamWave a few years ago, one of the reasons they did was because of the weakening dollar against the strengthening yen – well, now, though, yen is dropping like crazy in value, and the American dollar’s strong relative to the Japanese yen – why is the price of the Flex 3S going up? I don’t know, I have no idea, and they’ve also asked me if the DreamWave price would go down because of the weakening yen, and I don’t think they’re going to do that, I don’t know why the price is going up, when the yen is dropping, but that is Inada’s decision to make, and that is the decision they have made, but just so that you know, the price of the Inada Flex 3S is going up from $6499, to $6799, December 1st, which is Monday morning. Again, if you want the Flex 3S, and you want whatever sales that we have on our, through those emails that I told you to subscribe to, you better jump on that before, by the end of Sunday, not by Monday, but by Sunday.
[SCREEN TEXT: Visit from Make-A-Wish Utah]
Alan: OK, oh, you know what, I got a beautiful visit from Make-A-Wish Utah last week, and they gave me this, and I don’t know if you can read it, but it says ‘Thank you for making magical wishes come true.’ This is from Make-A-Wish, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and it is a little child’s – and I don’t know if you can see it with the glare, it’s kind of tough to see – but it’s a little picture that was drawn by a child, a wish child, and they were kind of honoring us for the money that we’ve raised for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Now, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but our goal was $10,000. We have, actually, no, our goal was $7500, and I updated it a week ago, and we were over $9000 for the year, and this will and on December 31st. Then, we will set a new goal for January 1st, 2015, and we’ll probably bump the goal up to $10,000, but we’re close, we’re over $9000 now that we raised this year. In one year, we’ve raised over $9000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and for a couple of wish children, and I’ve got to tell you, I love the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and I love what we’re doing, and what you’re doing, because every time you buy a chair, we donate a portion to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, every chair that we sell gets, a certain portion is donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. So, I would like to thank those of you who have purchased from us, those of you who will purchase from us, especially during this holiday season, and those of you who have donated, even without buying a chair, because you can donate, you can go to our – go to our website, and you’ll see the Make-A-Wish Foundation link, on the home page, underneath the fold – you’ll see there, where it mentions the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Please know that when you, when you purchase a chair from us, there is a portion going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and you are helping us to fill the dreams and wishes of terminally ill kids, life-threatening diseases, kids with life threatening diseases, and they are awesome. You know, I’ve talked about my daughter, who’s now 29, but she’s a type 1 diabetic, and as she gets older, you know, more things are happening, she’s had thyroid problems recently, and now she’s got this polycystic ovarian something or other, and they’re trying to have another child, and they can’t have another child just yet. Hopefully they will, she’s on more meds, but you know, it’s hard to see a kid suffer, it’s had to see any kid suffer, let alone your own kid suffer, and to see the things that they go through, and these little kids – and I got to admit, my daughter, my second, she’s my second oldest, we have six kids, but she’s the second oldest, she is the most, she’s the most funny kid – she lights up a room when she comes in, she’s just got the best attitude, if there’s any kid of mine that can handle a diagnosis like that, it would be Melissa. So, the thing is they’re just cheerful and delightful, even those who are so sick, and I’ve met one of our wish children, and she’s in a wheelchair, she can’t – well, anyway, I don’t want to get in to the story – but the wish that she was granted, which was go to Disney World, changed her life. Her parents said that, you know, she used to just lay there in her wheelchair. I cannot remember what her condition was, but it was significant, and she couldn’t move, she didn’t respond, she didn’t, you know, she, her eyes, I mean, she could move her head, but she had no life in her. After Disney World, she perked up, she started to laugh, and try to communicate, by trying to talk, she laughed, and she, her eyes lit up, and they brought her to our – this was back when I was in chiropractic – they brought her to our clinic, and she was a delight. I’m thinking to myself, ‘Kids are delightful anyway, and now when we do this for them, and we help them with this Make-A-Wish, wish granting thing, they’re even more alive, and more grateful, and more sweet, and more wonderful,’ I just love what they do. So, anyway, I’d like to thank the Make-A-Wish Foundation for giving me this. It means a lot to me. It goes in my showroom, on the desk there, at the showroom so everybody can see it. When you buy a chair from us, your chair donation, or your chair purchase, part of it is a donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. So, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, I can’t say thank you enough.
[SCREEN TEXT: New Article]
Alan: OK, so, what else have we got to cover? Not that much more to go. The Christmas, oh, I wrote an article last week called ‘Greasing a Massage Chair.’ Now, that might sound kind of weird, but you know, people always ask ‘Do we have to maintain a massage chair, what do we have to do for maintenance, do we have to give them lube jobs, do we have to change the oil, you know, like you do with a car?’ No, you just have to clean it, but once in a while, a chair will start squeaking, and we’ve had this happen on a couple of different models, of different manufacturing companies, it’s not just isolated to one chair. Sometimes a chair will squeak, and all that has to be done is some white lithium grease needs to be put on the joint, or on the pivot, what they call pivot points, and you know, Infinity, Infinite Therapeutics sent us a list of the different pivot points on a chair, you know, in the chair back, on the ottoman, wherever there’s a pivot point, it can start to squeak. So, my son, here locally, has done some greasings, if you will, on a couple of the chair models, different manufacturers, but a couple of chair models, and it’s pretty simple to do. Anyway, I thought ‘Well, that’s something that not a lot of people know about because we, most people are under the impression, a correct impression, that you really don’t have to do anything to your chair.’ It should last you – you know, the Chinese chairs, up to 10 years, and the Japanese chairs, 15 to 20 years, without any maintenance – but if it does squeak, there’s white lithium cream you can get from Home Depot, or Lowe’s, or you know, whatever hardware shop, and apply that, and we talk about how to do that in that article. Anyway, it’s a decent article, I’ve never read anything about greasing a chair before, so hopefully that will come in handy.
[SCREEN TEXT: Christmas Shipping Deadlines – Very Important!!]
Alan: Now, shipping, Christmas shipping deadlines, this is a big deal, if you don’t order in time, you are not going to have your chair on time. Now, I’m going to give you each of the different companies that responded to my email request, I’m going to give you their shipping deadlines for Christmas. If you want your chair guaranteed delivered by Christmas, I’m going to give you the dates. Having said these dates to you, that is – now, you have to remember, these companies are shipping, in many instances, from one part of the company to the other part of the country, so, Inada, or Human Touch, or Omega, or Cozzia, they ship out of California, Southern California, Panasonic – well, Panasonic has a couple of places, so I won’t do that as an example, but they ship out of Southern California. Well, some of them have to go to New Hampshire, or to New York, or to, you know, Miami, Florida. So, they got to go across the country, there’s other times when they just ship in the same state. So, taking, so these dates I’m going to give you, you take with a take with a grain of salt, because there still is time to get your chair if you live within, you know, a reasonable distance from their warehouses. For example, Panasonic’s got a place in Southern California, a place in Chicago, I think they have one more, I don’t know where, but they can, they can hit certain parts of the country a little quicker, or Infinity, who has, they have the quickest logistics of any of the companies that we represent. When they, when you order a chair from them, they get it out that, sometimes that day, if it’s early enough, but the next day for sure. Other companies, now, it takes them one or two, sometimes three days to get the thing out, because the companies that have the slower logistics protocol. Infinity, they’ve got a place in Memphis, and a place in Eugene, Oregon, so they can hit both sides of the country, and you can usually get your chair in three to five days, it’s pretty quick. Anyway, here are the dates I’m going to give you. Inada says order by December 4th, which is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, that’s next Thursday, for best selection, and of course, we’ve been talking about best selection and at this time of the year, and guaranteed white glove delivery – white glove’s where they bring it in your home, and set it up for you, and that usually takes a few extra days, because the long-haul freight company that picks it up from the warehouse, and drives it to your city, and hands it off to a local delivery company who comes in, and does the white glove, that can take an extra three, four days – December 11th, for guaranteed freight delivery. So, you have until 11th of December, with Inada, to have guaranteed, regular, curb-side freight delivery. Now, for Human Touch, their last day to order, for guaranteed Christmas delivery, and this is curb-side delivery, December 12th, December 11th for Osaki, for curb-side delivery, remember you always have to add three to four days, or in the case of deadlines, subtract three to four days, to get the white glove deliveries on time. I’ll tell you, white glove delivery is, yeah, anyway, they take extra time, and if you’re in a busy place, like San Francisco, or whatnot, those companies are swamped with chairs, so it might take even longer for the local delivery companies to come deliver it to you. For Infinite Therapeutics, white glove delivery, the 12th of December, now, and see what I told you about how they can deliver pretty quick, they’re the fastest of any of the companies, well, they also have the latest deadlines, the latest shipping deadlines, as well, and for standard, December 15th. So, these are guaranteed, white glove delivery 12th of December, 15th of December, for standard delivery. Of course, every chair that does ship out, we’ll check to make sure that, if you do order late, we’ll see if it can get there, still get there in time. Now, Johnson Wellness, and of course, I carry Johnson Wellness chairs, and I’m a distributor for them, but we’re not allowed to have their chairs on our website, so you can’t find them on the website, but if you’re interested in the chair, let me know, we can sell you the chair. Anyway, what they’re telling me that is, let’s see, a rough guesstimate would be the 17th or 18th, maybe in some locations, the 19th of December, and frankly, I think that’s very optimistic. I would also go, just for the sake, just for the sake of being conservative on these dates, I would go with, maybe, the 15th, at the very latest, with them, as well, and Omega even tells me that their shipping dates are the 18th for the East Coast, and the 19th for the West Coast. So, maybe I’m out to lunch a little bit here, maybe Johnson and Omega can get them there by Christmas, by the 17th and 18th, if you order by the 17th or 18th. So, that is important, those shipping deadlines, and I will put that on a blog this week, by the way, so you’ll have a written version of it, because I know you, after you’ve watched the video, you may not come around to that again.
[SCREEN TEXT: Gift Certificates]
Alan: So, anyway, that is it, I believe. Don’t waste time on getting orders in, because you don’t want to run out of selection, and don’t wait too late for the Christmas shipping deadlines, or you are going to be out of luck. By the way, if you do order, and it’s too late to get to you by Christmas, let me know. We have a gift certificate that we can send you, that you can put under the tree, that says ‘Hey, this is what you’ve got coming, in a few days, it’s on the way here,’ or whatever, it’s basically saying that ‘Hey, this is what you’re getting for Christmas.’ So, you can still have something under the tree, and we can overnight that to you, if you order as late as the – when’s Christmas this year, is it Tuesday or, no, it’s Thursday, I think – so you can still order that week, not get the chair, necessarily, that week, but we can send you the gift certificate, overnight it so you can put in under the tree, and we’ve done that many times over the years. OK, I think that is it for our stuff, and this has been a long one, 20, 26 minutes, and I apologize for taking so long to talk today, but there’s been a lot of things to cover. Next week, we’re going to see a little different change in the massage chair industry update studio, if you want to call my office a studio. Anyway, but for now, I thank you so much for watching this video. If you found it helpful, please feel free to thumbs up ‘Like’ us on YouTube, or share us on your Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, whatever accounts, we just appreciate you helping us spread the word about massage chairs. If you have any questions, again, call me on our toll-free number, email me, chat with me online, I’m always available talk, one way or another, and if I don’t get to you right away, I will get back to you, soon. So, again, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘,’ thanks so much for watching, and we will see you again in two weeks. Happy Thanksgiving. Bye bye.
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