Introduction – Titan TP-Pro 8400 Massage Chair (Video)

June 5, 2015
 By Allison Bricker
June 5, 2015
 By Allison Bricker

Introduction – Titan TP-Pro 8400 Massage Chair (Video)

Transcript of Video Titled “Introduction – Titan TP-Pro 8400 Massage Chair”

[SCREEN TEXT: Introduction]

TP-Pro 8400

TP-Pro 8400

Alan: Hi, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘’ and today I’m going to introduce you to the new Titan TP-Pro 8400. This is a new model from Titan, and Titan is the same company – or the same company that distributes the Titan chairs in the United States, also distributes the Osaki chairs – they’re made in the same plants in China, and so, there are some similarities when you look at them, from Osaki to Titan, there’s some crossover. And we just started recently carrying the Titan line, because of this chair, and another chair called the Titan Alpine, and another model called the 8300. But today I want to introduce you to the 8400, and I like this chair because this is a chair that’s priced under $3000 that has the extended roller track, and the extended roller track, if you’ve heard of the term L-track, or extended roller track, most chairs, the rollers come down the back, and end down at the top of the butt. Well, the extended roller track comes underneath the butt, and can hit the hamstrings. We’ve seen that on the Infinity Iyashi, which is another model that we carry, which has an extended roller track of 49 and some odd inches. This one has 51 – or 50 to 51 inches – of a roller track coming down the back. Now, the reason they call it an L-track is because it follows the S-curve of the spine, and then it veers underneath the seat.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: So, you kind of have this S, with an L-bottom, of the roller track, so that’s what makes this chair kind of unique. It also has rollers in the feet, with airbags in the feet – and the rollers actually can – and the foot rollers can actually have the speed adjusted. We’ve never seen that on a foot roller before, where you can adjust the speed, so you can kind of make it less or more intense. You can’t move the rollers up or down any more – any more than they already are – in other words, you don’t have 3D foot rollers, but you can adjust the speed of the foot rollers. So, if it gets too intense, you can lower the speed, or turn it off, or if you want it more intense, you can increase the speed. But it has foot rollers, and it’s got arm airbags here, it’s got shoulder airbags here. Now, I’ve talked, in different videos, about the different purposes of shoulder airbags. The shoulder airbags can be either used to pin the upper body in, while the rollers go up and down, or it can be used to inflate to the front of the shoulders, to pin the shoulders back. The ones on the Titan 8400 are used to pin the shoulders in, but what’s kind of cool about them, is that you’ll notice, the way they’re made, they have – they kind of go out a little bit – and one of the main complaints that people have about a lot of massage chairs is that these chairs get kind of tight for a bigger-bodied person, or a broader-shouldered person, to be able to fit inside the shoulder housing. Well, on this one, they kind of created it where it flares out a little bit, so a bigger body can fit in there, and so there’s lots of room now for someone with broad shoulders.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: You’ve got arm airbags, you’ve got seat – sorry, not seat airbags – but the seat rollers that we talked about. You have airbags in the waist, and of course, it has the arm airbags encased in the housing of the actual chair itself. You’ve got a little cervical pillow here, you can remove that to get the neck to – the rollers to work on the neck – and it does have a good neck roller massage. It has a very nice look on the exterior. You notice that the exterior on this one is a dark brown, the interior is a different color, a different hue of brown. It also has lights here on the side, and if I turn that on – oh, by the way, the remote control can go on either side of the chair, they’ve got pockets on both sides – but when I turn on the chair, you’ll see that the chair, the little lights turn on on the side. So, you’ve got this chromotherapeutic feature, and it also has a space-saving feature. See how when we recline the chair, it’s still about the same distance from the wall? It kind of scoops under, so that you’re able to have – you don’t have to have the chair too far away from the wall to be able to – to be able to use it.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: Other things about this chair, it has the zero gravity on the seat, it has multiple programs, it does not have a stretch program per se, but it’s got very nice functionality of the chair. It’s under $3000, good chair, good bang for the buck, and this chair has already garnered quite a bit of interest, because it’s one of the few chairs that has the extended roller track, which is something that people are getting more and more interested in. So, that is my introduction to you, of the Titan TP-Pro 8400 from Titan chairs, also you know, Titan/Osaki chair company. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 888-259-5380, I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have. If you found this video helpful, you know, please thumbs up ‘Like’ us on YouTube, or share us, or ‘Like’ us on any of your social media channels, and of course, subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can be updated when we put out subsequent videos on this chair, and any other chair. Again, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘,’ thanks so much for visiting today, and I will see you on the next video. Bye bye.

Click on the following link to watch this Titan TP-Pro 8400 tutorial on our YouTube channel.
















Transcript of Video Titled “Introduction – Titan TP-Pro 8400 Massage Chair”

[SCREEN TEXT: Introduction]

TP-Pro 8400

Alan: Hi, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘’ and today I’m going to introduce you to the new Titan TP-Pro 8400. This is a new model from Titan, and Titan is the same company – or the same company that distributes the Titan chairs in the United States, also distributes the Osaki chairs – they’re made in the same plants in China, and so, there are some similarities when you look at them, from Osaki to Titan, there’s some crossover. And we just started recently carrying the Titan line, because of this chair, and another chair called the Titan Alpine, and another model called the 8300. But today I want to introduce you to the 8400, and I like this chair because this is a chair that’s priced under $3000 that has the extended roller track, and the extended roller track, if you’ve heard of the term L-track, or extended roller track, most chairs, the rollers come down the back, and end down at the top of the butt. Well, the extended roller track comes underneath the butt, and can hit the hamstrings. We’ve seen that on the Infinity Iyashi, which is another model that we carry, which has an extended roller track of 49 and some odd inches. This one has 51 – or 50 to 51 inches – of a roller track coming down the back. Now, the reason they call it an L-track is because it follows the S-curve of the spine, and then it veers underneath the seat.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: So, you kind of have this S, with an L-bottom, of the roller track, so that’s what makes this chair kind of unique. It also has rollers in the feet, with airbags in the feet – and the rollers actually can – and the foot rollers can actually have the speed adjusted. We’ve never seen that on a foot roller before, where you can adjust the speed, so you can kind of make it less or more intense. You can’t move the rollers up or down any more – any more than they already are – in other words, you don’t have 3D foot rollers, but you can adjust the speed of the foot rollers. So, if it gets too intense, you can lower the speed, or turn it off, or if you want it more intense, you can increase the speed. But it has foot rollers, and it’s got arm airbags here, it’s got shoulder airbags here. Now, I’ve talked, in different videos, about the different purposes of shoulder airbags. The shoulder airbags can be either used to pin the upper body in, while the rollers go up and down, or it can be used to inflate to the front of the shoulders, to pin the shoulders back. The ones on the Titan 8400 are used to pin the shoulders in, but what’s kind of cool about them, is that you’ll notice, the way they’re made, they have – they kind of go out a little bit – and one of the main complaints that people have about a lot of massage chairs is that these chairs get kind of tight for a bigger-bodied person, or a broader-shouldered person, to be able to fit inside the shoulder housing. Well, on this one, they kind of created it where it flares out a little bit, so a bigger body can fit in there, and so there’s lots of room now for someone with broad shoulders.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: You’ve got arm airbags, you’ve got seat – sorry, not seat airbags – but the seat rollers that we talked about. You have airbags in the waist, and of course, it has the arm airbags encased in the housing of the actual chair itself. You’ve got a little cervical pillow here, you can remove that to get the neck to – the rollers to work on the neck – and it does have a good neck roller massage. It has a very nice look on the exterior. You notice that the exterior on this one is a dark brown, the interior is a different color, a different hue of brown. It also has lights here on the side, and if I turn that on – oh, by the way, the remote control can go on either side of the chair, they’ve got pockets on both sides – but when I turn on the chair, you’ll see that the chair, the little lights turn on on the side. So, you’ve got this chromotherapeutic feature, and it also has a space-saving feature. See how when we recline the chair, it’s still about the same distance from the wall? It kind of scoops under, so that you’re able to have – you don’t have to have the chair too far away from the wall to be able to – to be able to use it.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: Other things about this chair, it has the zero gravity on the seat, it has multiple programs, it does not have a stretch program per se, but it’s got very nice functionality of the chair. It’s under $3000, good chair, good bang for the buck, and this chair has already garnered quite a bit of interest, because it’s one of the few chairs that has the extended roller track, which is something that people are getting more and more interested in. So, that is my introduction to you, of the Titan TP-Pro 8400 from Titan chairs, also you know, Titan/Osaki chair company. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 888-259-5380, I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have. If you found this video helpful, you know, please thumbs up ‘Like’ us on YouTube, or share us, or ‘Like’ us on any of your social media channels, and of course, subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can be updated when we put out subsequent videos on this chair, and any other chair. Again, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘,’ thanks so much for visiting today, and I will see you on the next video. Bye bye.

Click on the following link to watch this Titan TP-Pro 8400 massage chair tutorial on our YouTube channel.

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