Introduction – Osaki Pro Summit Massage Chair (Video)

June 29, 2017
 By Allison Bricker
June 29, 2017
 By Allison Bricker

Introduction – Osaki Pro Summit Massage Chair (Video)

Transcript of Video Titled “Introduction – Osaki Pro Summit Massage Chair”

[SCREEN TEXT: Introduction]

OS-Pro SummitAlan: Hi, I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘‘ and today I’m going to introduce you to the Osaki Pro Summit massage chair. Now, the Osaki Pro Summit is the exact same chair as the older Titan Pro Alpine. The difference is this one has side shoulder airbags, whereas the Alpine had airbags behind the shoulders. This one has them at the side, and also, they’ve kind of taken roller issues that they had with the Titan Alpine, with some of their models, or some of the chairs that came with that model, had some roller track issues, and they’ve corrected those in this chair. So, this is kind of a new-and-improved Titan Alpine. But you’ll see here, it’s got pads, a pad for decreasing the intensity, you cannot adjust the intensity of this massage chair, it’s an L-track chair, but you cannot adjust the intensity of it.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: What you see is what you get, so it has a little extra pad, in case it’s too intense, and of course, a pillow there if you want to prop your head up and watch some television. It also has an extra pad that comes along with the chair, and you can put that wherever you want, if it’s too intense. So, let’s say the rollers come down your back, and under the butt, as an L-track, a lot of times, it’s tender in this area, because there’s the hip bones. You can put this pillow right here, it’ll act as a pad, right over that area where the rollers go over the bones, it’s a nice little feature to have. This chair also has arm airbags that are a little different. Most massage chairs – if you look over on this chair here, you can see that the arm airbags are – you put your hands in like this, on this side, like that, you put your hands flat. On this one, you put your arms face up, like this, thumb up – or not face up, but thumb up – and you put your arms in a little bit sideways. That’s actually more correct posturally, to put your arms in like that, but that’s a little different thing about the airbags in the arms. It has foot rollers, it has calf-and-foot airbags, it’s got waist airbags, it’s got plenty of airbags.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: It does not have a Bluetooth technology, it does have a charging station, if you have your phone. I have this chair at home, and the kids are always charging their iPads, or their phones, on this charger, and the remote control goes in to this little hole in the armrest. So, and then of course, here’s the remote control. We’ll talk about the remote control in greater detail when we do a remote control video, but the chair has kind of a unibody design. It’s got a little bit, this gray, this dark, charcoal gray shell that goes around the top, and to the side is, every – there’s only three colors on this model, there’s ‘Black,’ ‘Brown,’ and ‘Cream’ – they all have this same charcoal gray exterior, but the interior is where you see the difference in the color. But that is the Titan Alpine chair, or sorry, not the Titan Alpine, the Osaki Pro Summit massage chair, great chair.

[SCREEN TEXT: ‘’ 888-259-5380]

Alan: It’s our top selling, at this time, at the time of the filming of this video, it’s our top-selling L-track, through the showrooms. So, when people come to the showrooms, either here or in California, and I assume other stores when we open them, this chair has been our top-selling L-track chair, very, very popular chair. It has a nice fit, nice feel, for most people, and it’s got a very good, firm massage, and with padding to dampen it, if it’s just a little bit too intense. But that’s the introduction to the Osaki Pro Summit massage chair. I hope you found this video helpful. If you did, please feel free to thumbs up ‘Like’ us on our YouTube channel. And of course, help us spread the word about this chair, and other chairs, by sharing these videos on your social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, whatnot. We appreciate you helping us spread the word about massage chairs. I’m Dr. Alan Weidner from ‘,’ and I will see you again on the next video. Bye bye.

Click on the following link to watch this Osaki OS-Pro Summit massage chair tutorial on our YouTube channel.

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