Improved Sleep and Reduced Stress Impact with Prebiotics – Anti Aging News

April 11, 2017
 By Alyssa
April 11, 2017
 By Alyssa

Improved Sleep and Reduced Stress Impact with Prebiotics – Anti Aging News

When the body experiences stressful stimuli, it can trigger changes in secretions, motility, and mucosal function. This can create a hostile environment for beneficial bacteria. Modified gut bacteria can also lead to gastrointestinal conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Electroencephalography. Under normal conditions, rats in the control group were found to spend less time in non-rapid eye movement sleep than those that received the prebiotics. During non-rapid eye movement sleep, brain activity drops dramatically. Some researchers believe the body uses this stage to process information and store memories.

Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers recently published a study in the Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience journal that points to a link between prebiotics and more restful sleep.
  • Previous research shows that stress can alter gut microbiota. The modified bacteria affect the brain-gut axis.
  • When the body experiences stressful stimuli, it can trigger changes in secretions, motility, and mucosal function.

“When the body experiences stressful stimuli, it can trigger changes in secretions, motility, and mucosal function.”

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