I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving (those of you in the US, anyway). Our family had a wonderful time together. As the kids get older and marry off, my wife and I find it harder and harder to corral every child together under one roof. We were able to do that over the weekend.
I learned something today about the exciting new HT-9500 massage chair by Human Touch. As I have discussed in previous blog posts, the HT-9500 is the latest updated version of the old HT-1650. That chair was discontinued earlier this year to make room for this new bad-boy. Well, the old HT-1650 had an arm vibration feature, which we believed was originally planned to be a part of the new HT-9500. Well, a client of ours who recently purchased that model from us a few weeks ago just emailed me to tell me that it didn’t have the arm vibration.
Surprised, I called and wrote Human Touch to get the definitive response. I have been assured by my peeps at Human Touch that there is NOT an arm vibration feature on this update model. So, we have made the change on our website and will now start preaching the truth about the arm vibration, or lack thereof. Thanks, Tim, for the head up!
By the way, we are getting our first HT-9500 massage chair in our showroom within the week. I am so excited. Steff and I will go over every aspect of it and give you the straight goods on this new, fun chair from Human Touch. I only hope I am savvy enough to know how to use my iphone with it!
Dr. Alan Weidner