There are many things someone can do to help combat stress. This article outlines 5 different types of ‘pauses’ that may help someone to de-stress. These pauses are very simple, quick and easy things that people can and most can be done anytime and anywhere. They include things like stopping to take a few deep breaths, inhaling lavender oil, and paying attention to the way the body feels. Some things listed can be incorporated into a person’s everyday activities like making a nightly routine. Learning small, simple ways to relax, like the ones listed in the article, can greatly improve someone’s life.
Key Takeaways:
- It may not be obvious, but anxiety tightens the chest, lessening oxygen, which means a few deep breaths can help alleviate both the physical and emotional distress.
- To de-stress, try a soothing aromatherapy oil, like lavender, in the bath, or on the pillow.
- Develop a nightly wind-down routine that will help people make the transition from busy day to restful night.
“If this sounds familiar, people are not alone: the World Health Organisation predicts that by 2020, work-related stress, burnout and depression will top the list of the world’s most prevalent diseases.”